I dropped Stella off at her house after our grand shopping trip. I got a lot of clothes and spent like half my money but it's okay... I love shopping.

Before I knew it, I was already parked in my driveway. It was around 5 pm, so everyone is probably eating dinner.

I walked into my house and saw Billie on the couch and Lucas and Finneas at the table. I slightly giggled amd sat next to Billie. She saw me approaching and gave me a dirty look.

"Bruh" she said with attitude.
"Sorryyyyy I forgot he was gay" I said, still laughing.
"How can you forget your own brother is gay!? Now he likes my brother... who isn't gay and has a girlfriend" she pointed out.
"Okay okay, well we have to fix this right?" I said.
"Yeah but what do we do?" she asked me.
"We'll..." I thought for a moment. "We could just let it happen..." I said with a grin. "It will be like a fun prank"
"That's messed up. Lucas will be heartbroken" she said, obviously worried about Lucas' feelings.
"We'll I'm sure he knows that it will never happen. It's fine, they'll figure it out" I said.

It got quiet for a moment. It was a little awkward.

"Hey can you help me?" I asked Billie, trying to dissolve the tension.
"With what?"
"I just bought a bunch of clothes and I don't know if it will look good on me" I said.
"Okay" she said, running upstairs before me.

I went over to the door where I left all my shopping bags and picked them all up. I lugged these bags up the stairs and saw Billie already sitting on my bed.

"Ok go ahead and haul the clothes" she said, looking impatient.
"Alright alright" I said, grabbing the first outfit from the many big bags.

Billie watched me awkwardly walk to my bathroom and I shut the door behind me.

I put on the first outfit: a cute pair of jeans, a white crop top, a black leather jacket, black doc martens, and a fluffy bag.

I slid all the clothes on and looked in the mirror. I frowned, looking at my exposed stomach. I was embarrassed that Billie would have to see me like this. I awkwardly shimmied out of the bathroom and did a little spin.

"I don't know about this one..." I said as I crossed my arms over my stomach.
"Poem... stop. You look so beautiful" she said with a smile growing on her face.

This made me blush and freeze up. Oh god this girl is going to be the death of me.

I stood there in shock for a moment before bending down and picking another outfit from the bag. I picked up a dress and a sweater and started walking back to the bathroom.

"I don't mind if you change out here... You don't have to go to the bathroom every time" she said calmly.

My heart was pounding and my mind was racing.

"Uhhh sure okay!" I said and paused.

Oh my godddd.

I began sliding off my pants, revealing my pink granny panties.

Well that's embarrassing...

Billie looked at me contently, making me feel even more self conscious. 

I took off my jacket, leaving me in just a crop top and panties. I finally took off the crop top, leaving my whole body exposed except for my underwear and bra.

I glanced at Billie, who was staring at me hard. She saw me looking at her and quickly looked at my eyes instead of my body.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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