Piece 2

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The cold sunlight filtered through the curtains as I felt something shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes, wary of the burning light, and caught a glimpse of snow falling outside.

"Waaaaake uppppp!!!" She shook me more and more until she noticed my eyes were indeed open. "Oh- hehe, sowwy. Come on, it's snowing outside!!" Her eyes were wide with wonder and I could practically feel the energy radiating off her.

A lump formed in my throat as I thought about it. "We can't, remember? We have to stay inside." I stroked her hair, trying not to tear up. It was everything I could do for my daughter to maintain a strong appearance so I did the most I could not to cry around her.

Her bottom lip pushed up in a pout and her eyes watered, and I struggled seeing her so disappointed. "Why can't we go outside once?! I want to touch the snow! It looks fluffy, like Sona!"

Sona, our cat, took the opportunity to join us on the bed as I listened to my daughter persist. Finally, I sighed. "You know I can't come with you... But I'll let you go out if you promise to be responsible. You can only go out for two hours at most, and you must be sure to keep yourself out of danger. Stay near the house. Do you promise?"

She nodded her head excitedly, her eyes almost shimmering as she bounced off the bed. "Fanks Mommy, I'll be back!! I pwomise!"

. . .

I remember laying in bed, shivering as I waited for her to come back. I hadn't been able to keep track of the time, but I knew it was past two hours. I honestly thought she would've gotten too cold by now and come in to join me by the fire, but she didn't.

And she never would.

The years went by and I wondered what had happened to my darling daughter. Age wasn't so kind to me but my illness started to ease and I was able to walk a few years after. Every morning, I put up posters outside, everywhere I can, in hopes that someone's seen my baby. But every morning flies by with no news, and I wonder if she's even out there. I can only pray. . .

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