Piece 11

3 0 0

She was in Liyue today. The lanterns swayed in the soft breeze of the city as she walked down the street. 

A number of stands were up in the by the harbor, all of them with high-quality products such as specially-prepared seafood dishes, and lanterns, and jewelry. 

She eyed the stalls, glancing around for any possible guards or watchers. Still, stealing today felt different.

Sighing as she felt the coins in her pocket, she approached one of the stands. 

"Hello," she was greeted. "Is there anything you'd like help with or would you like to look at my wares first?"

"I'd like to buy a bead," she said slowly.

The vendor's eyes widened with glee at the idea of the potential buyer. "Wonderful! Let's take a look at my beads, then!" They reached down for a box and opened it, proudly displaying numerous well-made beads.

Aster looked more closely at the animal beads and inspected them. They seemed to be made of genuine fine metals and each animal had a beautiful gem in their eye. 

"See something you like?" The vendor grinned and leaned over the counter.

The phoenix is a symbol of reliability, virtue, luck, and humanity. It is considered one of the greatest and most important winged beasts and is to be held in reverence. Not only that, it is an omen foretelling harmony.

. . .


The girl in question turned quickly, startled. "Oh- Aster! Whatcha doin' out here, I didn't think I'd see ya so soon, yanno?" 

Cy had expected to spend the day alone trying to find a certain artifact in the area that she'd heard others had trouble with. So far the day had gone pretty poorly and she wasn't in the best of spirits, but seeing one of her friends cheered her up almost instantly.

"Um..." Aster stood there for a long moment before grabbing Cy's wrist in embarrassment.

Confused, Cy pulled her wrist back quickly. Her hand came up to her face and the phoenix bead hit her face gently. After a few moments, she seemed to have taken in the moment properly. "Is this... for me?" She looked at Aster, her eyes wide.

Swallowing, she nodded and glanced away. "But- but only because- well, I was working for my living when I came upon this trinket and thought of you. Because you don't have one- a bead," she quickly added in as if she would find it silly to be any other reason. 

"It's not being nice, I simply found it and thought of you so I came to deliver it since I did not know when next you would be visiting my home in Dragonspine."

Cy's eyes welled up with tears and she through her arms around the other, hugging her tightly. "Thank you so much, this means a lot."

Not knowing what to do, Aster awkwardly stood there with her arms at her sides, occasionally reaching up and patting Cy's back.

When Cy finally drew away, her already-dazzling purple eyes glowed with warmth. "Let's spend the day together. Look, I'll even treat you when we eat." She held her hand out, beaming.

Aster took her time, considering it, and gradually reached out to take her hand. "As long as you're buying." 

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