Piece 12

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She didn't usually travel to Mondstadt by boat, but she realized she'd never been on one before and went down to the harbor to find one she might board. It was strange, since she'd never had to find out what each boat did in order to find the right one, and she ended up looking lost instead. Feeling discouraged and a bit nervous, she sat down by some barrels and instead watched the ships load so they could leave the harbor.

It was then that one of the barrels behind her shifted, and a moment later, she felt someone tapping her shoulder from behind. "Hello. If I may ask, what are you doing here?"

She slowly straightened up and turned her head, her own blue eyes meeting red ones. His face was neutral but his eyes seemed soft and she couldn't help but feel safe speaking to him almost at once. "I came down to the harbor to find a ship to board that might deliver me to Mondstadt, but I did not know which boats carried passengers or not and found it hard to ask."

The one she was talking to almost seemed to smile, and he held a hand out for her to take. "I am Kaedehara Kazuha. If you would help me load the barrels on, I am certain Beidou would allow you to board."

She took his hand and he helped her up, letting her brush herself off before speaking in return. "My name is Aster. If I may ask, what is the price of boarding?"

Kazuha lifted a barrel, and she did as well, and lead her onto the boat. "I will ask Beidou, Aster. In the meantime, would you finish with the barrels?"

Aster nodded quickly. "Of course, thank you." While the presumed trainee crew member went to speak with the captain, she continued to load the barrels onto the ship.

As she loaded them on, she began to realize there was more to the harbor than she'd cared to think about before. The salty taste on her tongue and the cool breeze... For a moment, the atmosphere was a sort of nepenthe for her, and her mind was quiet.

"Aster!" She turned to see Kazuha with a tall woman at his side. She was prepossessing and had a knowing look of some kind, that Aster had yet to figure out. "This is Beidou, Captain of The Crux."

"Hey kid," Beidou acknowledged her. "So you wish to sail to Mondstadt, then? We'll discuss the price on the way over. Haha, don't worry, it won't be too much! Come on," she waved for the two to follow her onto the boat. "We're setting sail! Men, to your posts," she called out.

. . .

Aster closed her eyes as she felt the boat rock side to side gently in the waves. Beside her, she heard what sounded like someone sitting down. 

" 'The waves hold longing, and yet still mystery cold, though we may be friends...' Tell me Aster, what are your thoughts on the sea?"

"Mmm..." She took in a breath of the fresh air before answering in a quiet voice. "It's mollifying and yet still exhilarating. If I were not used to living on my own, I believe I would find the experience to be lonesome. But... The feeling of separation from the land instead gives me a sense of relief, as if I am, for just a moment, free from the toils this world offers."

Her ability to speak openly at such a time surprised her, but she found it freeing as well, almost a testament to the truth in her words.

Kazuha leaned closer and she could feel the warmth he gave off despite the somewhat cool atmosphere. "I admire your frankness and it pleases me to hear that is the way you think of the sea. 'As one finds comfort in the falling snow, so you shall find comfort in the sea... so long as you can recall what you know, may the solitude bring peace unto thee....' Is it alright if I sit here next to you for the remainder of the voyage?"

For the first time in a long time, Aster felt something she couldn't describe.

"I would like it if you did, yes."

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