Piece 10

5 0 0

Mmm... Aster. Not much else to it since you will soon be healed and leave my home, hm? Refrain from being so whiny, it doesn't suit an adventurer- you only suffered from hypothermia and sleep deprivation...


Chat: Overworking
You must slow down, take your time. As long as you stay in good health, that will be enough. Not that I care, I simply wish to be alone once more.

Chat: Snow
The snow... Has always been a warm blanket during cold times, shielding me from danger. We have a special connection if you ask me... No, I do not think I will elaborate.

Chat: Searching
Of course I am searching for something! ...no, it is most definitely not you.


When It Rains
It snows... water? No no, of course I knew of this sort of weather, do you take me for some sort of hermit? Although it is a bit surprising... What- I said nothing!

When Lightning Strikes
Light from the sky, striking the ground? An odd occurrence... No, of course I know what, eh, light-en-ing is..!

When It Snows
Ah, the fluffy sensation of warmth on my skin- Oh, you do not feel the warmth? Perhaps you will be able to experience it one day...

When The Sun Is Out
Ugh, sunlight... You diurnal creatures are quite odd. Leave me be so I may rest in peace, if you would.

When The Wind Is Blowing
Ah, it seems now is a wonderful time to send my letter... Hopefully it shall be found in time for a response to meet me tomorrow.


Oh, birth-day? I do not know exactly what you are referring to. ...ah, is that so? Then I wish you... Good health and safe travels. Do not let me find you freezing in the snow while I am supposed to be resting. ...mmm, let me buy you a meal. It is the least I could do on such a day anyway...


Good Morning
Let me sleep... It is not natural for one such as I to be awake at such an ungodly hour. Now shoo.

Good Afternoon
As much as it pains me not to be asleep at the moment, I must be vigilant and listen to the snow for any changes. Hm, you haven't eaten yet? Well if you are to be leaving soon, as you need to in order to reach the bottom by dark, you should eat this very moment.

Good Evening
I see you have not left yet. No, do not bother... It would be folly to leave at this time. Taste the air- a blizzard is forming. No, it would not be safe to leave at this time.

Good Night
The legends of old are a testament to the way we must live. Nevertheless, there are many factors that differentiate the lives of now and then. What? Oh, you are too tired to listen? I forget the sleep cycle of diurnal beings...


About Ezra
Oh, Ezra? I am sure he didn't send you after me, I'm fairly certain our games of Uno were a sign of peace. Ezra is a reliable human, a surprise to find, and has an understanding of my lifestyle. I occasionally visit Mondstadt when I've obtained a rarer wine, so that I may share it with him.

About Cy
Cy was quite a bother when we first met... Fairly bothersome about the whole situation. Did I save her life? Well... I simply did what I thought necessary. In any case, take caution around her. She seems to have a way with words when she wishes to.

About Noelle
Now do not get me wrong, I have no friends. However, Noelle is hardworking and respectable, and I find myself feeling satisfied in her presence. Though she tends not to spend much time with others due to her training, she finds time for me, and my being nocturnal seems not to get in the way of our... acquaintanceship.

About Albedo
As tiresome as it is to have to sit through countless experiments while I could be doing something more important, Albedo's intelligence and determination intrigue me. If he continues on the path he's carved out before him, I can see him prospering in life. And perhaps he will leave Dragonspine when that happens.

About Klee
Klee is an abomination. If you see her, do not hesitate to wake me up. That menace cares so little about her surroundings so long as she gets a good explosion. What, you argue she's only a child? Nevertheless, children must be taught to be responsible and Klee most certainly isn't learning. Although I do admit, she's quite friendly...

About Jean
I find myself not worrying over whether or not Jean tries to lock me up. Why? Simply, she's overworked and far too tired. Not to mention her coffee might be in the way of the door letting her out with as much as she has. Still, one has to "admire" her devotion. I suppose.

About Lisa
Lisa is a force I would recommend not clashing with. As much pain as you may be in now or even later, you will find yourself begging for mercy as you feel electricity pulse through you- Mmm, yes. She is... quite formidable and seems to derive pleasure from others' pain. Do not cross her.

About Hu Tao
Although people tend to stir tension in my heart, I hold Hu Tao in high praise. Not only does she have extreme patience and dedication to her work, but she is one of the few humans I have met that seem vaguely tolerable. Besides, I enjoy her song of hilichurls, whatever it may mean.

About Diluc
Diluc serves good drinks. That's about all I know of him. Other than that, I have never spoken to him and intend to continue in this way.

About Kaeya
As little as I care for the general population, I care far less for Kaeya. His smooth tongue and tendency to not take his job seriously, as I've been told, are not quite an attractive combination. While he could be making something of himself, he sleazes about. I am not impressed.

About Eula
Eula is strangely understanding of my circumstances and respects my wishes of drinking quietly, whether she is there or not, and we occasionally find ourselves at the same table. Although I despise much talk, I've allowed her to tell me about herself and have listened accordingly. For Eula, perhaps I wouldn't mind a few moments with another person. 

About Diona
I do not care much for Diona. It seems to me that she puts in far too much effort to ruin something she can only further perfect, and that in itself is quite a display of folly that I consider myself too intelligent to be caught up in. Nevertheless, I come to the Cat's Tail to enjoy the occasional Dandelion Wine and experience the pleasure of good company- cats.

About Yanfei
I have heard much about Yanfei and hope that we do not cross paths. Many stories my ears have caught about the great lawyer and the ruin that she leaves in her wake. Nevertheless, my questionable connection to Eula should hopefully save me from her wrath in case the incident occurs that we finally meet.

About "My Dear Friend"
We write letters to each other- mine is sent from the wind by the tree while they lay theirs on my path. I may have a low social tolerance but I find myself quite pleased with the arrangement and write back as soon as I receive a letter. Many days I have found it difficult to rise and continue searching, but our letters are a source of encouragement. I am anxious to meet them face-to-face, but it brings a sort of peace when I find a new letter waiting for me.


Favorite Food
While it is without doubt that Mint Jelly has a delightful taste, I would much rather savor the delectable essence of the Golden Shrimp Balls. The dish is perfection on earth, a scrumptious meeting of the land and the sea. Oh, my hunger is increasing just thinking about it...

Least Favorite Food
Ugh, keep your Radish Veggie Soup to yourself, it is not welcome in my presence. Something about radish does not sit right, not with me nor my appetite.


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