Piece 9

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Revered friend,

The life of one such as I is brimming with important affairs and arrangements and yet I am glad to be able to take time out of my day to write to you. While I look forward to working more tomorrow and tend to prioritize it, our letters are one of my few comforts.

I find that on days when the sky is overcast and the sun is hidden, reading one of our letters rejuvenates me. Many times I find you to thank for my motivation to continue forward when I have no other reasons.

Regarding your mother, my searches thus far have come up empty. However, I will continue to look as long as you deem it appropriate. Worry not, I find no discomfort or ill feelings in this task. It is a pleasure to think that I may be helping you.

As of the matters we've discussed more recently, I have been quite busy with it. I know you are anxious about meeting me face to face, so I will not push it. Please, however, come to the festival. I understand you have not been to one since you went wherever you may be now, but it would be nice just knowing you've come. It is soon so it is unlikely that I know your answer before it happens, so I leave the topic off with this: I hope you enjoy the festival if you come, and if not, I hope the lanterns are able to reach you from Liyue.

With blessings, your dear friend.


The candle's flame flickered as she opened the envelope and muttered the contents aloud. "I see... The festival."

Aster set the letter down and glided over to the window to peek out. Liyue was adorned with lanterns and preparations. I wonder... If my mother is going to be celebrating it. She let out a small sigh and attempted to picture it in her mind: going down to experience a festival and finally finding her mother.

The uneasy turn of her stomach jerked her out of the thought and she sat down to write a letter in return.


Dear friend,

By the time this letter finds you, the festival should already have passed. Although I have my doubts about encountering you in person, I have decided that I will be at the festival in the crowd. Perhaps all the fuss it brings will be worth it.

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