What I Left Behind- Chapter 1

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Picture of the cast is on the side (: 

Chapter 1

"Come on Blake, will you hurry? The boys are waiting downstairs." Charlie shouted.

"Coming Charlie just wait a sec!" I said scrambling through a bunch of clothes in my closet. I stepped out of my closet and walked in my room to see Charlie sitting on my bed impatiently.

"I swear B you look like a Victoria Secret angel without the makeup and outfit, but damn girl you are as looking hot as ever right now" she said with a teasing smile.

I blushed at the comment, "Said the angel herself," I replied.

Charlie was gorgeous. Her dark brown hair was just below her chest, pinned straight. She loved having medium length hair. I could see why, it suited her best. She was wearing a black short skirt with a blue top that flowed along the top of her body. Her face was full of make-up but not so much like the girls at school wear.

Today was the last summer party before the new school year so my friend Michelle was throwing a party to kick off our senior year of high school. I wasn't excited for school. This only meant that I had a year left with my friends, and then we'd all go away for college.

I shook that thought out of my head. I still had a long year ahead. I put on my white vans to match my black short shorts that went perfect with my pink and white striped shirt. My whole back was exposed, having only two straps, one from the top and bottom attaching the front and back of my shirt. I had my hair out naturally tonight. My long light brown hair had big loose curls that hung all down my back.

 "Okay I think I'm ready, you set to go?" I asked Charlie.

"Waiting on you girly," she replied.

We made our way down the stairs to meet with the boys.

"Well if it isn't sleeping beauty. How was your nap princess?" My close friend Drew asked.

"I was getting dressed not taking a nap silly." I replied.

He smirked at me, "Damn girl, it takes you that long to get ready?" Drew always made these jokes to me on how long I needed to get ready,

I really thought I was getting better on dressing faster! Oh well. "I thought you were used to it by now," I stated.

"No one in this god damn world will get used to the fact that you need 5 hours to get ready," He replied.

Charlie cracked up and I just rolled my eyes, "Whatever, where's Ethan?" I asked.

"In the kitchen talking to your mom. That kids such a suck up," Drew said.

"At least Ethan actually cares about his reputation and isn't a careless piece of shit like you Drew," Charlie stated.

"Rawr Charlie, the tiger has already come out to play and we haven't even left the house yet." Drew said terribly imitating a tiger.

I left them in the foyer heading towards the kitchen to get Ethan. If I had stayed any longer with Drew or Charlie, they'd drag me into their arguments, which I was not up for at all right now. I was in a good mood and was planning on staying that way for the rest of the night.

"Yeah Rachel, no later than two o'clock, the usual. I'll have her probably back earlier since it's a bonfire tonight," I heard Ethan say.

"Okay Ethan that sounds fine, are you coming over for dinner tomorrow? Blake's grandparents are coming to town, I'm sure she's talked to you about it," My mother said. Oh sh!t I forgot to tell him about that!

"No she hasn't brought it up but I'm sure she will tonight," he said sounding relaxed as ever.

"I'm sure she will," My mother replied ending the conversation.

"Hey Ethan, you ready to go?" I asked walking in the kitchen.

Ethan looked up at me quickly, "Yep, lets get going lover girl. I'll talk to you soon Rachel."

"Be safe you two." My mom shouted as we left the kitchen.

"You look nice. Trying to impress a certain someone I should know about?" Ethan asked jokingly running his hands through his gorgeous bronze hair.

"Actually yeah. I don't know if you've seen him around school. He has sandy blonde hair, kinda messy, blue eyes, quarterback of the football team," I said back laughing.

Ethan also laughed, "Might that be the boy you're referring to?" He said pointing at Drew.

"Definitely." I replied.

 "Time to kick this guys ass," He said smirking.

Ethan had always been overprotective, even if we were both joking around, deep down, we both knew he was serious. I didn't usually mind. Without having my father around, Ethan looked after me better than anyone. It would drive me insane sometimes when we'd go out but I loved him so much I didn't care.

"No need lover boy, this girl is not interested in anyone," I reassured.

He looked conflicted but quickly turned around to grab his keys, "Let's go, look's like Drew and Charlie are in the car and we're already late as it is. If I can't get you out of the house now, there's no way we're leaving tonight."

I giggled and nodded my head. I jumped on Ethan's back, catching him off guard and buried my face into the side of his neck. I loved breathing him in, he smelled so good.

"Look's like we'll still be late seeing it as you can't get me off your back." I smirked.

He laughed, "It's okay, I don't want you to get down so we can stay like this all night if you want."

By the tone of his voice, I knew he was serious so I jumped off his back quickly and grabbed his hand, "Come on, let's go." 

 Okay, so I know this chapter is really short but I promise, the next one is much longer. Leave your comments below!! I'll be posting Chapter 2 up on Wednesday! (;

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