What I Left Behind- Chapter 16

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 Chapter 16

Blake's POV

7 months later..

"Well? How is it?! The boy's there cute? Speak woman!" Charlie screamed over the line.

"I answered this question a few days ago char! The boy's are okay and it's amazing."

"Can't believe I'm leaving this week!" I said plopping down on my king sized bed.

"Ugh you're no fun. You leave to go to the city of love and manage to do squat there. You need Michelle and I there with you." She said.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever." I responded.

"Well I don't want to keep you. I just wanted to see how you were doing. I'll call you sometime this week, okay?" She said over the line.

"Of course. Love ya freak." I said.

"Love you too dork. Happy Birthday." She said.

"Thanks Char." I said closing off the line.

I smiled as I set the phone down. I heard a few knocks on my door. It was probably Christa or Krane getting me to go out to dinner to discuss their ideas for the next issue.

It was around six in the evening and we were all expected to go over the last minute details for the fashion show that was tomorrow. I was in Paris for the past month and loved every second of it but I was starting to get home sick.  I've been living in this luxury hotel for the past month and honestly, all I wanted to do was cuddle up on my bed in my safe loft back in Virginia. I couldn't believe that I was here and that I finally graduated high school. It was all so unbelievable.

I peeped through the peephole and saw an unfamiliar face.

I opened the door, "Hello." I said happily.

"Bonjour! Mademoiselle Blake Gray?" The man said with a French accent.

I nodded my head for him and he pulled a big box beside him and welcomed himself in my room setting the box inside.

"Joyeux Anniversaire!" The man said in French, meaning happy birthday.

"Merci." I said as he left my room.

What was all of this? I searched my room for a pair of scissors and tarred the box up within seconds.

Inside the box was blue and silver tissue paper. I opened it even more to get a better look as to what was inside. There was a medium sized box within the big box. I opened it and saw a new handbag that only my mom would have bought for me. Attached to it was a card telling me to enjoy my last few days being 'freaky' in Paris, whatever that meant, and wishing me a Happy Birthday. You have to love my mom.

I giggled and notice another small box that read, from Drew and Charlie. I opened it and saw a locket and saw a picture of the four of us inside. The four of us being Drew, Charlie, Ethan, and I.

I opened the card that was attached to it, 

Happy Birthday! Hope you're having a blast in Paris. Miss you over here!

 –Charlie & Drew

I put the locket safely in my jewelry box and looked back into the box to see if anything else was in there. Another box was hidden under the tissue paper and I anxiously pulled it out to see what it was.

I tarred open the wrapping paper and opened it anxiously. Inside was a shirt. What is this? I asked myself confused.

I unfolded it to get a look of the front. It was a shirt that read 'Coordinator' on it. On the back it said, 'Bradley'. Wait, what does this mean? I flicked open the card that was scrambled in the tissue papered mess, 

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