What I Left Behind- Chapter 4

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Here you go, enjoy!

 Chapter 4

The rest of the weekend flew by and before I knew it, today was the first day of my senior year. I woke up feeling not tired at all which is the first time ever. I got dressed wearing a pair of dark blue denim short shorts with a loose gray shirt that was short sleeved. I matched it with my gray vans and black belt. Once I was dressed and ready to go, I headed downstairs for breakfast.

  I headed over to the kitchen and saw red roses on my kitchen table attached with a note, 'Good luck lover girl, not that you'll need any ;) Stay away from the cooties –Lover Boy'.

 I smiled as I read it. Ethan did this every first day of school since I moved here.  It always put me in a good mood when he would do these things.

  I grabbed a vase from under the kitchen counter and filled it up with water, putting the roses in. I made myself breakfast and looked at the time. I grabbed my backpack and headed outside to meet Ethan. As on cue, Ethan was standing up against his car waiting for me.

 "Morning, you sleep good?" He asked eyeing me from head to toe.

 "Yeah actually, I'm well rested. I just hope that it lasts throughout the day." I said

 "I give it two hours," He replied smirking.

 I chuckled, "Thanks for the roses, I love them." I said.

 "No problem, you ready? It's a big day today." Ethan said.

 "Oh really? Why is that?" I asked playing along.

 "Last first day of high school! Come on, you have to be excited!" He stated all jumpy.

"Chill there, if you get any more excited you'll pee in your pants." I said laughing.

"Whatever, you know you're excited." He said getting into the car. I went over to the passenger side and climbed in.

  "Yes I am excited, only two semesters left and then our lives begin." I said sarcastically shutting the car door.

 "That's why you're upset?" He asked.

 "I'm not upset, it's just bittersweet." I replied.

 "You'll have me to help you through everything, so don't stress about anything. Enjoy your senior year Blake. This is exciting, you should be happy." He said looking over at me as he started driving.

 "Let's just hope nothing changes this year." I said ending the discussion.

 I was starting to feel sad which I was trying to avoid all weekend. I don't understand why I was feeling this. Something inside me keeps screaming that this year was going to be different. I guess I'm just afraid on finding what that might be. 

 We pulled up to our parking spot at school, which was where everyone is at in the morning. Before I could get out of the car, Ethan grabbed my hand stopping me from leaving.

 "Are you sure you're okay Blake? You can tell me anything, you know that right?" He said with his brown eyes wide.

 "Sounds like you're handing me my own advice back." I said chuckling slightly. "Yeah I'm great, I promise. Like you said, todays going to be a good day." I said giving him a quick hug before exiting the car.

 Right as we stepped out of the car, the football jocks came towards us and so did Michelle and Charlie.

 "Hey girly, happy first day of senior year!" Charlie said as happy as ever.

  I laughed, "You too, dork." I said sticking out my tongue.

 We chatted for a few minutes before heading off to class.

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