What I Left Behind- Chapter 32

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happy friday the 13th!(: 

Chapter 32

Ethan’s POV

“Do you think she got it?” I asked pacing back and forth in my living room.

“Probably not. We’re three hours ahead of her so she’s probably still sleeping. She’ll get it though Ethan, stop worrying.” Charlie said as she sipped on her coffee.

I ran my fingers through my hair, “This is the first Christmas without her and everything already feels so different.” I said sitting down besides her in my living room.

“Hey, stop worrying buddy. She’ll talk to you later. I know she will. No matter what happened between you two, you guys were always best friends and will remain that way.” She said before taking another sip of her coffee.

I started to remember how everything ended with us and how much I wish it didn’t happen.

She wanted to be apart and as much as I don’t like it, I had to respect it.

When I thought of the one thing to say to her though when we were at the airport, hoping that it would be enough, she refused to let me say it and shut me up by kissing me before I had the chance. If only I’d said it sooner.

But god did I love her.

 Loved and missed her badly.

I watched her as she disappeared behind the security checkpoint and my feet were stuck. I couldn’t move or think. I stood there for about a half hour straight just staring at the spot where she disappeared, hoping she’d return.

It wasn’t until Drew tapped me on my shoulder and forced me to leave with him.

I came back to Auburn the following morning and it’s been nothing but f****** shit since I’ve came. Everything feels so empty, gloomy, and shitty. 

I haven’t left the house but once to get presents for everyone. That’s it.

It was incredibly hard not texting or calling her at all. It was driving me insane.

“Ethan, snap out of it.” Charlie said nudging me softly on my side.

I bowed my head down and placed my hands behind my neck.

“You need to stop beating yourself up about this. It’s just time apart Ethan. When she comes back, you two will be back together and live happily ever after.” She said rubbing my back softly.

“How are you so sure that’s going to happen?” I asked, sitting upward. Just then the doorbell rang but neither of us moved.

“I’m sure because you’re Ethan Bradley and she’s Blake Gray. You two are meant to be together and if it’s not now then it’s later. Either way, in the end it will all be okay. If it’s not okay then it isn’t the end. So don’t think twice about you and her not ending up together because everyone knows that you will. It’s meant to happen and it will. Give it time.” Charlie said giving me a kiss on the cheek before getting up to answer the door.

“Time.” I muttered to myself.

“Screw freaking you, you shitty ass thing.” I muttered again.

“This just came.” Charlie said as she made her way back into the living room with a white box in her hand.

I scrunched my eyes together in confusion.

Charlie shrugged and handed the box over to me.

I saw the label and it didn’t have a return address which made me all the more confused.

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