the frist victim/investagation/first class trial

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The next morning
Rise and shine chickadees 7 AM and all is well so let's see some hustle I woke up took a shower got dressed in a hoodie and some pants I then went to the dining room good morning Aurora asahina said morning I saw taka asahina makoto Chihiro and Sakura then Mondo Hifumi and Junko came in excuse me for caulking what's the haps well you look so different in person that is forgive me I knew what Sakura Was saying junko does look different in real life then on magazines she laughed yeah they sorta gussied me up for the magazine shoots that's the magic of touching up for you you don't say aw come on how different can I really look you're gonna hurt my feelings everyone else came in except maizono and togami this still isn't everyone though hey yeah where are Togami and Maizono Well OK here's one of them when I looked I saw it was togami which made me think oh no dude maizono Behind you are what I'm starving I rolled my eyes do I look like her keep her I came here directly from my room thank you very much A little out of character for her to be late she's usually here before I am uh oh I think maybe she's sick something wrong you two I should probably go check on her I'll come with you I have a bad feeling me and makoto both ran to the room maizono was staying in mazino Makoto went to pull on the door but it opened automatically What the heck it should be locked we walked in and the room was a wreck please tell me this isn't what I think it is I'm sorry but I think it is we looked at the bathroom door the door knob was broken we walked over and opened it and we saw maizono dead Makoto screamed then he passed out shit everyone came running I was crying what happened Sakura asked s-she's dead I then felt mazino's soul around me then I felt the same pain she felt before she died it hurts make it stop what's hurting leon asked I feel pain every where it burns I stood up but that only made it worse the everything went black and when I opened my eyes I saw Sakura and mondo leaning over me I sat up where am I the gym we carried you here after you passed out mondo said so what I saw and felt was real is maizono ok I'm afraid she's deceased homicide byakuya said the image flashed in my head again I got up and was about to run to her and save her when taka grabbed my arm where are you going I'm going to find the bastard who did it aurora we need you to get a hold of yourself let go I got out of his grip and started running again when byakuya said something waist of time my friend I could assure you the girl is well and truly departed that's when I fell to my knees and cried Chihiro hugged me to calm me down I hugged him back then I heard Makoto say Then why are we all standing around with our thumbs up our butts someone's been murdered we can't just treat this like this is Any other day understand niagi  it isn't as though we chose to stay around so then what the hell is going on Chihiro let go of me and I stood up are you ok he asked I'm fine now I said It was the damn bear the principal he ordered us to meet in the gym some thing about a pep rally believe me Man we are all against the idea how on earth can you be so disrespectful we said but then because they took my suggestion to complying it's best if we do as the bear says for now kirigiri we are his prisoners plain and simple nothing good can come of us defying him on impulse unless we want more casualties we have to play by his rules he killed her she was vulnerable And he killed her I know it I don't think he did neagie I said What as if  little old me would do something like that scouts honor it wasn't me you monster use your head Mr. jumps to conclusions why would I do something that goes against the whole point of this fine institution you're supposed to do the killing not me rules are rules you should've seen me at the zoo one folks ignore the do not feed the bear sign but then who else I mean because like we don't know wake up and smell the formaldehyde the killer is one of you everyone looked at each other really that pulled the rug out from under all of you I thought you were supposed to be gifted students it's obvious one of you sent poor Maizono to the sweetie after so you could breathe free air again and that's OK it's what you're supposed to do This is horrible he's lying of course he's lying sorry Charlie I'm telling the truth it was definitely one of you right now someone standing here knows that all to well is he telling the truth I demand whoever did it come forward immediately really that's not going to work no ones going to admit to murder I said Sure that'll work like a charm do you ever listen to yourself look whoever it is I won't judge it wasn't me I swear I know you ain't looking at me silence all of you right let us assume the perpetrator isn't that one of us by your own rules shouldn't they have graduated by now he laughed Well aren't we a half glass full kind of guy I like your reckless optimism having said that no the main attraction is still to come what's that mean listen up the troops freedom isn't straightforward there are a few simple mental rules of the article in our digital notebooks which states whoever kills a classmate may graduate but he or she must not get caught by the other students exact Amando someone Studied Murder alone won't cut the mustard the killer has to get away with it in other words to go free we must commit the perfect crime after each homicide you'll have enough time to investigate before convening to debate did you or innocence of those who remain recall these debates wait for it trials he can't be serious I said you can't be serious about this the trial formats loosely loosely modeled on parliamentary procedure fears back-and-forth made the order of the day if the guilty party is correctly identified They will be summarily punished and the rest of you allowed to carry on under normal school conditions what choose someone wrongly however in the defendant goes free while the rest of you are punished so point the finger at your own peril there you have it high stakes trial by jury beautiful system really sir these punishments what do they consist of I suppose another name for them would be executions surely you don't mean that oh ho I mean exactly that sweetheart we're talking electrocution gas chamber death by hurricane which yes we can make happen you bastard I screamed at him wait I want to make sure I understand decide incorrectly and the jury gets killed well no one says you aren't the smartest chip in tree Whoa and wait to imply you're not the culprit in this case by the by well done I put my hand on taka's houlder calm down he just doing that to mess with you I said you guys get to play judge jury and executioner quite possibly of yourselves so proceed with caution nu uh You are a nut job and I refuse to be a part of this crap that pardon you heard me you Psycho hairball As far as I'm concerned that the whole trial thing can get bent but why Is that even a question I'm not playing Even if that means risking my damn life and that's that Oh be reasonable don't even try to talk to me about being reasonable you sadistic Freakazoid I'm out of the game the presence of evil before me it's so overpowering whatever shall I do my shirts to come parish to God no ma'am I'm stronger than that when monokuma fight secrets to the last breath I will not Be defeated I will nip this budding rebellion And rain Victoria then Junko stepped on monochrome or at least I thought it was junko I'm sorry you were trying to say something big mistake junko I think you should get off of him you don't know what he can do I said scared I'll be fine don't worry manhandling the principal in anyway shape or form is strictly prohibited the rules remember I know I warned you about breaking them He started beeping again activating something magic save me gundam spears wait I screamed but it was too late a ton of spears went through Junko OK not going to lie Kinda hurt it's in I don't know really then she fell on the floor I felt so much pain but I bit my lip to keep me from screaming then I ran over to toco and caught her before she could hit the floor oh no oh no come here Chihiro He ran over to me and I pulled him in for a hug that's seriously messed up honestly I want to avoid messy situations like that as much as humanly possible but when I am example is begging to be made you can't let a bad attitude slide out let's hope the gravity of your situation is beginning to seek in high stakes are high best of luck playing junior detectives the trial will be beginning on your way soon so put on Those thinking caps and start A case cracking he then disappeared I heard Makoto say this is insanity what do we do if that were an example I thought bad that I couldn't save them now at the very least we can rule out enoshima as a suspect In the mizuno death I propose we move forward with the investigation not to sound unduly harsh but morning the lives lost can only dampen our chances of saving our own sorry but that is harsh the girl Was warned not least of all by me those who had adapt Are quickly swept away on the tired of their own adolescence in shorts good riddance that's fucked up I said That is a terrible thing to say our personal feelings on the matter are neither here nor there the situation we've been tasked with is Tuan mask the culprit or die she's got a point I said aw crap heads up guys we got sent some new pages jack hole who gives a damn the monokuma files huh
Whoa it gives a complete rundown Of mizuno's cause of death ah this could prove useful apparently the room she was found in wasn't her own but quite heavenly it was neige's Should've known you greased the poor girl didn't you Hold on I don't think that's what happened I said why are you defending him mondo said Because none of y'all are thinking before speaking now Makoto explain before I said we think the same thing I said She came to me wanting to switch rooms for the night and I said OK she was scared she needed my help oh sure will believe that lie stinks if you ask me I looked at me and I could tell he was scared by look in his eyes Aw come on guys you really think I did it I believe you Nagei I said nagei put yourself in our shoes what would you think I'm sorry but if you're innocent the burden of proof is on you I felt bad for him Guys listen everyone come let's get this over with togami Wait pray that it goes well it is a good place to start as any Ishimaru I didn't go with the others aurora Please tell me you believe me Of course I do I knew you guys were friends and I can tell you wouldn't be able to deal with blood well now do you want me to help you clear your name I said yes me Makoto we're walking down the hall victim is one Syaka maizono Time of death at Approximately 1:30 AM body was found in the dormitory wing pacifically in the private room of classmate makoto Nagei death occurred any before mention the classmates Shower cause of death stab wound to the stomach from a large butchers knife other injuries lacerations to and broken bones in the right wrist indicating the victim struggled against her attacker me and makoto then went To the trash room to see if the murderer threw anything out we found a burnt piece of sleeve and broken glass we then went back to look at maizono's body hey aurora What's that I looked at what Makoto was pointing at it looks like some numbers I lied I knew it wasn't numbers I then walked out of the room but when I looked at nagei's name plate wasn't on his door it was maizono instead wtf *ding dong bing bong* all right kiddos your principal is bored out of his gourd so what do you say we get the show on the road time for the highly anticipated trial thing kindly March your butts Over to the right door located on the first floor at the end of the academic suite mosey on through We all got in front of the elevator doors makoto came in last nice one don't you know how to tell time we've been waiting I'll have you know don't be rude to him taka I said I suppose you could hardly blame him right she knows it's only a matter of time right before hes executed We haven't proved anything I'll remind you the man owns a fair trial whatever man look at them he's totally guilty I growled shut up everyone looked at me in surprise if anyone says he did it one more time out prove to you he didn't I heard monokuma laugh Is everybody in hop aboard we all got in the elevator we stopped at a floor that looks like a court room goody gum drops took your time I see Be honest now you were expecting Something Considerably Less tasteful screwed up either way if you ask me before we start I have a question relevant to our task why the portraits why not just cause they're dead I'd hate for them to miss the proceedings and the extra podium belongs to who counting our department classmates we number 16 or 17 postes You're reading too much into it darling that extra podium just means this quart room is tripped out for a maximum of 17 jurors speaking of which that's all the time we've got for pleasantries ladies and germs trying to get judicial this is jacked up nobody here really thinks one of us killed her be correct my boy no room for doubt right everybody close your eyes if you're the murder raise your hand I face palmed yeah that'll blow like an old lady farts enough to chat comments the meeting for your lives I could tell Makoto was nervous so I grabbed his hand and squeezed it and whispered it's going to be OK I promise I'll save everyone I then let go of his hand
(Time skip once they found out who it was)
It was Leon no why him I ran over to him and hugged him and said I know you did it for defence and I know you feel guilty and I whispered I will save you and maizono I promise I could tell he believed me because he calm down I let go of him and walked back to my Podium We all voted Leon correct well done peeps sayaka maizono murderer Was indeed Leon kuwata you dumbass what the hell got into you I didn't want to she was I mean she was trying to kill me right I just I didn't know what else to do OK what if she had gone after you y'all would've done the same thing in my shoes Leon was crying I was about to run over to comfort him but Mondo stopped me right so there you have it excellent job dispensing tough justice and I mean that moving on now on to the punishment phase no I didn't have a choice I was trying to get out of Mondo's hold but he wouldn't let me the crazy skank Was going to kill me what was I supposed to do come on guys I acted in self-defense special circumstances all of a sudden a chain wrapped around Leon's neck and pulled him and we all got to this batting area And I knew what that meant then Liam started getting shot it was slow and it started going faster and then things started spinning around him and a whole bunch of balls hit him in the face and it stopped he was dead I felt his soul become a part of me so I started crying and screaming because it hurt so much but Mondo held me then it all went black again I then woke up in my room shit I got up and dressed in something else I then went over to my door locked it and started using my quirk it hurt but I didn't care I just wanted my friends back once I was done they were sleeping on my bed fully healed I then called Aizawa
On call
Aizawa:hello aurora
Aurora:well I just saved my first two people
Aurora:and I feel traumatized from seeing them die in front of me
Aizawa:I know the feeling trust me but it's going to be ok you know I can get all might if it ever gets to much and let him do the rest
Aurora:it's fine I just wanted to let you know
Aizawa:ok well I have to go
Aurora:ok bye
End of call
I sighed I then looked at my friends and smiled at least I was able to save them I grabbed an extra blanket and pillow and layed on the floor next to them and then I fell asleep

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