Meeting the other ultimates part 2

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Um yea I know he seems a little odd but apparently he did splendidly as a member of the breeding club I've heard he can tame any animal and even managed to succeed at proliferating an endangered species rumor has it he can speak to animals well that's probably just a joke we leave the airport and go to rocketpunch market we walked in so this is the super market it's pretty big hajime said thanks to this place we won't need to worry about food and other necessities for awhile for awhile I-it's just a figure of speech but there's no guarantee anything here is edible what if all this stuff is poisoned um isn't that a bit drastic hajime she's right but you certainly are the skeptical type of course I am even this supermarket is strange look around we're in this gigantic supermarket and there's nobody else here except us well that can't be helped didn't usami say this island is uninhabited th-that's exactly my point ugh are you ok hajime I asked what happened nagito then asked it's nothing I didn't believe what hajime said then we noticed this girl in a nurse's outfit standing there once she noticed us looking at her ah uhhhh um I could tell she was nervous um you know ... I-I'm sorry she was crying so I came up to her and hugged her hey it's ok I told her bullying a girl not cool hajime before hajime could say anything I said shut up she's just nervous then the girl calmed down and said ah your name is hajime if it's ok with you may I please remember your name I was confused when she said that o-of course I don't mind you remembering it but then she realized what hajime meant m-my name is Mikan tsumiki um from the bottom of my heart I hope we can get along she looked at me I figured she wanted my name my names kora Hayes and I don't mind you remembering my name then she continued what she was going to say before we all introduced ourselves um you know Um... Um um um um uhhhh my mind is drawing blank from nervousness and I went through all the trouble of preparing 5,000 different topics to discuss after introductions I felt a little bad for her it's okay take your time and remember slowly we'll wait as long as it takes we'll wait for you forever if that's what it takes and for some reason she freaked out huh... Aaaaaah well I guess I'll just ask you since I won't get anywhere asking her so what's her deal hajime asked he said it kinda rudely but nagito started explaining ah mikan is the ultimate nurse if you ever get injured you'll need her help so it's best if you get along with her now if you get wounded and don't treat it there's a good possibility you'll get an infection and die don't say something so morbid so naturally then mikan laughed then freaked out again ah I-I'm sorry for laughing so suddenly I-it's just I can't help it I'm just so happy I can't remember the last time I made any friends ah not that you actually want to be friends with me I'm soooo sorry I said something so...presumptuous I'll do anything you say just please don't hate me bullying a girl not cool hajime nagito mikan cannot control how she feels stop blaming hajime I'm sorry I'm so so so sorry we then contained another hope fragment then I saw someone watching us I grabbed nagito and hajime's hands and pulled them in that direction I didn't notice nagito blushing I stopped once we were In front of the girl peeking peeking oh haiiiiiiiiiii who're you u-um I'm hajime hinata and I'm kora Hayes she then noticed hajime's tension hellooooo your tension is super low are you feeling alright ah that's right introductions are a go-go "I" "buki" "mio" "da" put it together and what do you get ibuki mioda I loved the girls energy it was cute all right introductions are finished more importantly check out this bombastic supermarket they got hamburger ramen noodles chili beans bratwurst pasta oooh melons Americans Chinese Mexicans Germans Italians and even people from yubari would stop here man I'll getting hella stoooked I'm thirty-one flavors of stoked for all of this deliciousness and when I'm excited I get hungry-mungry i-I don't understand it myself why do I get hungry when I'm excited why do I get excited when I'm hungry she laughed the human body sure is a mystery um this energetic young lady is known as the ultimate musician she used to play guitar in an all girl that was super popular with other high school girls apparently their hit single "after school poyoyon hour" sold over a million copies due to creative differences she left the band to pursue a solo career creative differences hajime asked are you interested wah!? You could hear me duh ibuki's a musician after all like Schubert Bach Edison Van Gogh Perez and senna I too am an awesome musician oh so you're saying you have good hearing wait most of those people you mentioned weren't musicians at all don't sweat the details we then got another hope fragment we left the market and went to a hotel site wow this is a pretty nice hotel the hotel Mirai huh it looks like it's named for the Japanese word for future when we were told to live on this island I was worried we'd have to pitch a tent or something if we can live in a grand hotel like this I don't think we'll have to worry about being comfortable comfort isn't an option here we don't even know why we're being forced to live on this island how can you just accept this!? Your way to exited about living here well it seems obvious that this area would make a good base so why don't we look around for a bit we ended up walking up to a short blond haired boy I knew him from somewhere but I just couldn't remember and I also couldn't remember his name who the hell are you don't talk all friendly and shit to me dumbass hajime didn't say anything so the boy got pissed what're you lookin at you got something you wanna say bastard r-relax fuyuhiko we're only here to introduce ourselves once nagito said his name I gasped remembering where I saw him and when I did u-um d-do you know a girl named aurora I saw his eyes widen how the fuck do you know that name I walked up to him and whispered in his ear cause I'm aurora he was surprised why did you change your look he asked I'll tell you later I told him he understood(after fuyuhiko introduced himself to hajime and after nagito explained his ultimate)we got another hope fragment and walked over to this girl with red hair hey arn't you the guy who was squatting on the beach earlier and burying your face in your arms uh y-yea hey you gotta keep it together you know at times like this it's the boys job to keep the girls safe I covered my mouth to keep me from laughing y-your right did you want me to introduce myself I haven't done it yet right let's see I'm mahiru koizumi I'll be counting on you from now on mahiru is known as the ultimate photographer she has a promising future as a photojournalist I'm not an expert on photography but I hear she's a young photographer who has won numerous awards on that note she's known for her skill at taking pictures of people honestly I'm a little relieved you guys seem decent enough hm decent hajime qoustioned well there's a lot of weirdos here I can't tell if they're really ultimates or like just insane I'm eager to get along with everyone so we can get off This island but I was worried things wouldn't go well get off this island what do you mean huh you don't know that's what that stuffed animal usami was saying after you finish collecting all the hope fragments that you earn by getting along with everyone this joke of a school trip will be over and we can all leave this island together th-that's all we have to do and we can go home is that true did she really mean that hey you should be paying closer attention this is like really important well hajime now that you know this you must feel a little relieved right as long as we live here peacefully we'll be able to leave this island soon enough so there's no reason for you to act so panicky e-even so what's the reason why do we have to do something like this I mean to go through all the effort of bringing us here so we can all live together and get along it doesn't make any sense I actually agree with hajime on that one I said I may not know why we're here but if that's all we have to do to go home then that's all there is to it overall I'm glad I mean it's really not that big of a deal hey mahiru yelled eh don't eh me what about your inforduction I've been waiting like forever you know ah sorry I'm hajime hinata um it's nice to meet you to and I'm kora Hayes I see hajime hinata and kora Hayes huh sorry to disappoint you but I've already made a mental note to remember you as unreliable hajime I covered my mouth to keep me from laughing it's gonna be tough for you to change my mind you better man up and try even harder to do your best I see you're whipped already hajime I'm talking to both of you you better man up and do better got it and you keep these boys outta trouble I will I said we then got another hope fragment we then walked over to this buff guy hm that's right you two haven't told me your name my name is I am the ultimate team manager nekomaru nidai u-um hello I'm hajime hinata and I'm kota Hayes hold it right there both of your voices is too soft let your voice rise from the bottom of your stomach I knew what nekomaru meant by that because all might does the same thing in his hero form just watch me hajime I AM THE ULTIMATE PRANKSTER KORA HAYES he laughed I love your energy kid keep it up hajime then did the same thing I did when introducing myself I AM NEKOMARU don't you two forget it even if you go to hell I am the ultimate team manager NEKOMARU NIDAI y-you don't need to repeat your name so much I won't forget it and I won't either I said he laughed I agree to your terms nekomaru nidai is known as the ultimate team manager the ultimate team manager so he's not on a team he just manages one he's not just a team manager after all he's an ultimate he's Traveled to numerous towns and played an active role in various sports clubs managing their teams For Instance he lead some high school rugby team full of delinquents to victory in the national playoffs He also rescued a baseball club on the verge of being shut down and lead them to national victory as well rumor has it he's even training that famous Japanese picture who plays in the American League I-if That's all true she totally deserves to be called the ultimate team manager but nekomaru laughed we then got another hope fragment we then went to the hotel lobby where we met peko I only knew it was peko because I met her when I went to see fuyuhiko when I was younger as soon as her eyes laid on me she gasped and said aurora where have you've been I did the same thing I did with fuyuhiko she understood and continued talking to hajime and nagito once we got a hope fragment we walked away hey kora why did peko call you aurora nagito asked I sighed it's a story for another time just not now I explained nagito nodded his head in understanding we walked up to another girl that was in the hotel lobby she wasn't really paying attention because of the game she was playing when I looked over her shoulder she was playing Tetris I gasped is that Tetris I haven't played that game in so long the girl looked you know what this game is she asked yea I used to play it when I was younger along with Pac-Man yea there pretty good games to play if you want a challenge she said well my name's kota Hayes I'm the ultimate prankster I said introducing myself I'm chiaki nanami the ultimate gamer video games are my hobby and I'm a fan of all genres nice to meet you same to you I said then she introduced herself to nagito and hajime so after that we got a hope fragment then we went to the hotel's restaurant there was a boy and a girl I already had a guess what the boys ultimate is so this is the hotel restaurant It's enormous we could easily hold a banquet here it kind of has this tropical open country feeling Open even though we're stuck on this island are we really stuck here what else could it be hajime went silent oh well let's finish introducing ourselves first look there are two people talking over there we walked over to the boy and the girl but didn't say anything yet that's right I'm having a hard time because it's full of poison it really sucks Speaking of which it'd be great if you could use your mouth to suck it out I was disgusted he reminded me of mineta poison I see h-hey do you guys have a moment whoa denied as you should be I said hello it is nice to meet you h-hello my name is hajime hinata nice to meet you to and I am kora Hayes why hello there you must be the new guy and girl my name is teruteru hanamura on the streets I'm known as the ultimate cook but could you guys call me the ultimate chef instead it has a more of a big city flavor to it ya know I hope we get along well oh that reminds me I have not properly introduced to myself either I am terribly sorry to keep you waiting i name is Sonia nevermind i am a foreign exchange student from a small European kingdom called novoselic I may cause trouble here and there but I hope we can get along well are you enchanted well that probably can't be helped she's known as the ultimate princess which means she's actual royalty um this may be rude of me to say but truthfully I feel happy huh what are you happy about in my home country I did not have a single friend of my age whose standing in society matched my own so to be able to do something like this with everyone is a new experience for me I shall extol your virtues "extol my virtues" th-thanks we then got a hope fragment for her h-hey you three am I being left off the menu or something since I found out sonia's ultimate I just decided to wait for hajime and nagito outside I still got a hope fragment for teruteru nagito and hajime then walked out I don't like or trust that guy I said yea I don't like him much either nagito said we then went to the ranch this looks like a ranch though there aren't many animals around then usami popped out of nowhere aww you found out you again seriously where do you keep appearing from I can show up anywhere anytime the system allows me to appear anywhere on this island all thanks to this handy dandy magic stick hmm Still I am quite troubled a ranch without any moo-cows is like a soccer team without any balls I didn't known whether to laugh or blush when she said that you might want to rephrase that All righty just leave it to me in my handy-dandy magic stick bibidi bobidi bibidi bobidi bibidibidi bobidibobidi bu turn into a moo-cow she then turned the chicken into a cow for some odd reason hajime freaked out a huge success wh-what was all that just now a-a chicken changed into a cow nah it's probably some sort of trick or illusion I bet it was set up before we got here me and hajime both knew it wasn't a trick she was probably trying to make us happy but I guess it had the opposite effect on you Hajime A trick a illusion w-well if you think rationally it makes sense A chicken can't just change into a cow messing with living things like that it's just not cool you know we then walked over to a girl with brown hair heeey who're you dudes it's nice to finally meet you I'm hajime hinata and I'm kora Hayes gotcha and who's this other dude huh Haven't we already met oh haha I'm sorry I pretty much suck at remembering names and I've met so many interesting characters today I am Nagito Komaeda If you can please don't forget my name again yo the names akane owari nice to meetcha akane is known as the ultimate gymnast and all around super athlete rumor has it she's a wild troublemaker but her athletic ability is off the charts however her basics and fundamentals are all over the place so her gymnastic routines are mostly improvised if she's in her groove she performs splendidly but if she's not she loses interest and switches it up we then got a hope fragment from her then nagito said something to hajime about him liking sexy bodies I rolled my eyes at nagito's mischief we then walked over to a girl wearing a kimono squish squish I already knew what the girl was doing cause I saw the ants um are you ok I  haven't introduced myself right my name is hajime hinata and I'm kora Hayes I'm hiyoko saionji squish squish hiyoko talent has made her known as the ultimate traditional dancer as a rookie the Japanese dance industry Expects a lot for her she's already performed overseas many times it seems her performances are popular among young audiences Which is rare in the Japanese dance industry Well then again her fans are mostly men once I heard that I felt the need to protect hiyoko squish squish hey what exactly are you doing hm I'm squishing squishing what your going to regret answering that mr.ant of course I'm squishing lots of mr.ants come again hiyoko laughed a little If you squish their tummies just write it makes this awesome sound wanna do it together sure I'll do it I use to squish ants with my shoes when I was younger but then hajime screamed at her hajime calmed down you don't need to be mean about it I squished a few ants with her then we got a hope fragment from her I went to get up to leave with hajime and nagito when hiyoko grabbed my hand can I call you big sis kora I smiled at her of course you can I said we then left and went to jabberwock park when we got there I saw a fatter version of byakuya of course I knew he was a fake but why byakuya so this is a park a park surrounded by the ocean hmm it feels so nice we walked over to the fake byakuya and he acted just like the irl byakuya what do you want ah byakuya have time for a small introduction introduction cmon hajime kora um hello my name is hajime hinata and my name is kora Hayes my name is byakuya togami I already knew what his ultimate is and I knew he wasn't going to talk long so I ignored the entire conversation until we got a hope fragment then I heard the same dreadful ding ding bing bing was that a school bell just now you'll get used to it I said out loud hajime look at that monitor over there I looked at the monitor with them and saw usami on the screen congratulations everyone it appears that everyone has finish collecting the hope fragments I'm *sniff* I'm so happy soooo i've prepared a present for everyone that'll make you all very happy I apologize for the trouble but please gather at the beach tee hee hee make shining hope be with you all I didn't have a good feeling about going to the beach She said to meet at the beach I-is that Going to be Ok I'm starting to have a bad feeling about this you and me both I said Thinking won't solve anything we can do that after we go to the beach Is that precaution really enough I sighed calm down hajime if it makes you feel any better I've been having the same feeling as you so your not alone thanks kora your welcome we then arrived at the beach

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