Another hopes peak but on a beach

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I started walking towards the entrance when my vision got blurry like last time i then passed out and woke up in a hallway so I walked around until I got to a door that said 77-B I opened it and saw so many people who goes there huh I said out loud Um are you feeling alright you look quite pale I heard some else say well Um hey could you be your also a freshman at this school right someone asked for some reason my quirk was glitching and wouldn't let me know information about them then your all before I could finish my sentence someone said see for yourself we're all freshmen to I sighed in relief thank god I found them I thought I assume freshmen like us have been gathered in this classroom how is that possible I thought while I was in thought someone that looked exactly like byakuya said hey why don't you come inside for now alright I said I walked in and closed the door I sat in the back with this other kid then he said excuse me what is it copycat byakuya said why are we all gathered in this classroom no one said anything about coming here so is there like an entrance ceremony or home room happening now actually we were just about to discuss that matter discuss well since she is the last student to arrive let's start the discussion eh this is everyone how do you know someone asked there are only seventeen desks in this classroom and this girl is the seventeenth student it's obvious if you bother to think about it omg he really is like togami I thought and just what are we gonna talk about the reason we're all gathered here in this classroom first I need to confirm something out of everyone here is there anyone who actually remembers how they came to this classroom I looked around nobody raised their hand So before you realized it you were in this classroom then everyone here is in the same predicament no matter how you look at it unnatural even you stupid looking ones would agree right it sure is strange nobody actually remembers how they came here hey what do you mean stupid looking the moment you set foot on campus you felt a strange dizziness and now your here and you don't know why that is what I experienced before I arrived here am I correct in assuming that's true of all of you th-that happened to me to but eh that dizziness wasn't just me everyone felt the same dizziness that's Weird e-even if it's just a coincidence it feels to good to be true so your saying it's not just a coincidence then hm meaning we can only speculate who's responsible for this strange phenomenon hah I don't know what you're so worried about but that doesn't sound like a huge deal what do you mean I mean it's a minor problem instead of trying to figure out why we're here we should try to figure out why we can't leave huh whaddaya mean we can't leave eh s-seriously a boy that looked like a chef ran over to the door and tried to open it but it didn't budge I-it won't open I can't open it huh why a little while after i got here i tried to leave to go take a shit but that door woulden't budge at all hey hey whats going on even with all my might I couldn't open it it'd be absolutely impossible for all of you eh what do you mean you couldn't open it why that's not possible s-she's right it's impossible because when I went through the door it opened normally it wasn't locked at all though I don't understand what forces are at work here there's no denying that we have been locked inside this classroom wh-what do you mean I sighed what do you think they mean dude I said m-maybe we're getting mixed up in something dangerous or perhaps doesn't it make more sense to think that this is the entrance exam the entrance exam you mean hopes peak academy's but according to hopes peak academy no such entrance exam exists they may say that publicly but it's possible that this is actually a special entrance exam all of a sudden we heard a female voice yell ah you're wrong this is not an entrance exam what was that just now hey fatass why'd you make that cutesy voice all of a sudden I won't dispute your blank remake about my weight but that voice you just heard was not mine huh then whose is it Um it's actually mine the voice said again but didn't show itself who's there where are you it sounds like it came from behind the teacher's desk all right I see everyone has arrived let's begin we all faced the teachers desk and a white and pink rabbit popped out of nowhere what is that um it looks like a stuffed animal that's right I am a squeezably soft stuffed animal magical miracle girl usami aka usami I may not look like it but I am your squeezably soft teacher nice to meet you all everyone was shocked except me h-huh am I hallucinating am I the only one who's seeing this nah I see it to what's with this talkin chihuahua eh that's a chihuahua does everybody here know what a rabbit is it's a loveable animal that's very fluffy and soft that's what I am a singing dancing talking rabbit mascot h-hold on let me process this first okie-dokie Um what do you guys think I-I've never seen a stuffed animal that can sing dance and talk before I thought the bunny was cute and she seems innocent I-it's probably remote controlled or something don't act like such a pussy over a child's toy e-even if it's remote controlled doesn't it look too lifelike that's pretty advanced for a toy i don't think it's a toy though i mumbled It's movements and mannerisms are not the issue more importantly based on what it just said It seems you know something about our current situation Of course I do I'm the lead teacher of this school trip that's not what the hero's told me I thought school trip hey what do you mean school trip A large group of students go on a chaperoned trip with a lead teacher it's the biggest event of the school year no outlet depart part for the fun school trip I don't really trust her but I guess I'm going to have to for now I thought she Twirled her wand and then the school roof opened and we all saw a beach huh what the hell is this I'm wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-what this is a joke right wh-where are we huh wh-what's going on everyone please stay calm There is no reason to panic see look around Feast your eyes on this beautiful ocean it's like your heart is being washed clean isn't it it washes away everything even all the bad things she wasn't wrong seeing this beach made me a little calmer I thought Hold on give us the details where in the world are we where are you ask well obviously we're out where it's better out where it's wetter out by the sea I shook my head at usami i-I understand this is the sea but what are we doing here Do you know your Voice gonna get hoarse if you keep screaming like that but we were just at school and now we are by the sea this is impossible please do not worry the school trip has just started that's all But like why are we on a school trip all of a sudden you totally skipped all the stuff that comes first sh-she's right we are all supposed to be attending hopes peak academy their right we're all supposed to go to hopes peak I said ah hopes peak academy I seeee I seeee you don't say You guys are feeling unsure about hope speak Academy then in that case please forget about hopes peak Academy that's why were having a school trip in the first place huh The hell do you mean we should forget about it hey what are you just what are you scheming wha-wha-whaaat i'm not scheming anything I'm doing this for everyone sake I am praying from the bottom of my heart that hope will grow within everyone's hearts there's nothing dangerous on this island whatsoever so please there is no need to worry at all why do I feel like now that she said that something bad will happen I thought to myself island did you just say island yup and it certainly is beautiful it was prepared just for us an island free from other people and danger are you saying this island is uninhabited I was about to ask something but a boy with white hair and a green jacket said something that shocked me perhaps you brought us to this uninhabited island to make us kill each other I gasped but quickly covered my mouth so no one would be suspicious of me ha-wa-wa k-kill each other nuh-uh now way bloody business like causing violence or inflicting pain is a big no-no on this island even the word kill just saying it horrifies me kyahh so scary I put my hands down and smiled she was one of those innocent people I know I can trust her I thought then what is this school trip you mentioned what do you intend for us to do on this island all righty I shall announce it to everyone right now while you all relax on this island paradise you must get along and strength your bonds with one another that is the main rule on this heart-throbbing school trip Heart-throbbing school trip? Spend these peaceful and relaxing days nourishing hope and lazing about free from pain free from suffering truly this lovey-dovey heart-throbbing school trip is everyone's homework wha- what the hell does that even mean !? Now then let the Heart throbbing school trip begin as soon as she said that the brown haired boy passed out I caught him before he could fall everyone was worried about I checked his pules he was fine I looked at everyone he's fine he probably got stressed and passed out I told them usami told us we can look around and hangout with each other to gather hope fragments everyone separated me and the boy with white hair and a green jacket stayed with the guy until he woke up I later found out the white haired boy name was nagito but he didn't tell me his ultimate I told him mine he thought it was cool hey look he's waking up nagito said i looked down at the boy I had in my lap hey can you hear me are you ok you seem pretty out of it to be honest I'm also no everyone else feels the same to since we suddenly got put in this weird situation I said hey are you listening nagito asked because the boy wasn't responding he blushed because he saw he was in my lap he got up hey are you sure your ok nagito asked leave me alone the boy said th-there's no way I can leave someone alone when they look that pale nagito said the boy looked like he was thinking then he said that rabbit thing said we're on a tropical island yea that's what she told us I said then the boy started looking around he looked at the Surveillance camera then asked hm is that a camera a surveillance camera then he freaked out a little are we being monitored or something I was about to answer him but nagito beat me to it I wouldn't say we're being monitored I think we're just being watched for our safety well it's a waste of time to think about its best not to worry the guy looked around again hey are you feeling better now I asked he looked at me then nagito said so how are you feeling are you calmed down now um I understand your confusion after everything that's happened but why don't we start with an introduction introduction? The boy said confused I'm nagito komaeda nice to meet you and I'm kora Hayes I said ah along with my introduction I guess I'll tell you both about my talent so you know why hopes peak academy chose me well even if I tell you in my case it's a pretty disappointing talent a disappointing talent what do you mean the boy asked no one's talent is disappointing I said but I kinda got ignored I'm lucky he said I immediately got what he meant by that but the boy was confused what are you talking about it's not a joke or anything that's my actual talent I'm the ultimate lucky student at least that's what I'm called anyway ultimate lucky student? Through a country-wide lottery apparently only one ordinary student is selected at random to attend hopes peaks academy as the ultimate lucky student and that lucky winner just so happened to be me the boys facial expression then changed your face looks troubled nagito said oh no I'm not troubled or anything no it's fine I have mixed feelings about this to I never thought an average talentless high school student like me would ever enter hope's peak academy at first I declined I told them I didn't deserve it but they told me they really wanted me to attend apparently this so-called luck of mine is a talent that even the school doesn't fully understand to research it the school picks the ultimate lucky student every year through an annual lottery hopes peak academy is amazing if they can actually research something as vague as luck well thanks to that luck a guy like me was able to attend hopes peak academy so for that I'm grateful but on the other hand I feel a little out of place I was confused by what he meant by that ah sorry I have a bad habit of viewing most things through a pessimistic lens I'm yea I guess that's it for my introduction now then it's your turn and then kora just needs to explain her talent to you yea...I'm hajime Hinata then let me ask you a question what is your ultimate talent um I..I then hajime went quite h...uh..? I could tell something was wrong with hajime but I didn't want to panic for nothing if I was wrong I guess nagito saw the same thing cause he asked hajime what happened ah it's nothing I was now even more confused cause I knew he wasn't ok I guess I'm still pretty confused about all this I'm having trouble remembering some things that's ok hajime its normal for people to forget things especially in this kind of situation I said yea she's right I understand how your memory might be confused after suddenly getting into a situation like this I'm sure you'll remember soon once you've settled down so I don't think you need to worry about it all that much you're right then hajime looked at me so what's your talent he asked oh I'm the ultimate prankster I'm also pretty chill as long as you don't get on my bad side I then saw hajime's face changed into a scared expression I laughed chill dude I'm joking remember ultimate prankster I saw hajime relax then I guess we're done with our introduction for now even though I don't know what's going on I hope we can get along then all three of us heard a beep hey did something just beep he yelled w-what a weird sound I already knew what the sound came from because the same sound was made when I was done talking to nagito then the bunny explained it to me hajime then pulled out the e-handbook he looked confused wh-what the hell is this it's like a pda or a smartphone wh-why is something like this inside my pocket he asked usami was passing them out earlier remember oh right you seemed pretty out of it when that was going on nagito said n-now that you mention it I think I kinda remember but what is this then usami popped up out of nowhere and

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