The beging of a new killing game

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I ran out of the water and ran over to usami knowing what's about to happen usami didn't look to good then hajime walked over Pissed hey what's going on what did you do this is obviously not right it was sunny just a few minutes ago I then butted in calm down hajime it's not her fault wha wha-wha-wha wh-what is this huh I didn't do anything what is all this there's no way something like this shouldn't be happening then the Monitor turned on and I heard the one voice I didn't want to hear again ahh ahh mike check mike check ah ah ah ah can you hear me can you hear me he laughed surprised you were totally surprised riiiight now then sorry to keep you all in for so long let's leave all of this worthless entertainment behind it's time for the main attraction you guys better hustle over to jabberwock park then it turned off I was shaking so much my heart was racing that's when I screamed THAT BASTARD and punched the ground a few times usami put her hand on my shoulder that's when I picked her up and ran to jabberwock park I didn't know if the others were going to follow me or not but I didn't care when we got there I screamed GET OUT HERE YOU BASTARD I didn't notice everyone there wh-where are you where are you hiding h-hiding who are you two talking to them everyone heard Monokuma's laugh hey-hey where are you show yourself i was shaking but I stood tall then Monokuma laughed even louder than Monokuma popped up like last time I put myself in front of usami to protect her why hello there thank you all for waiting long time no see guys I am Monokuma I am the headmaster of this academy ahem now that I have made my dashing appearance the first thing I need to say is this is so friggin lame lame I say lamer than the lamest lamesauce oh wait lamesauce is that tasty just as I thought it was you but how why is Monokuma here usami said behind me aw shaaadup I'm livid you know and I'm about ready to barf thanks to your lukewarm attitude just what's with this heart-throbbing school trip crap anyway I'm bored so hopelessly bored this just ain't fun at all you better knock off this farce right now you've gotta make this you know meet the demands of the world nobody wants to see highschool students living calm and peaceful lives what everyone wants to see is other people's misery and despair fuyuhiko was the first to speak wh-what Do you hell is with this stuffed animal nothing he's saying makes any damn sense what what is going on what is that thing be careful everyone stay back and leave this to me usami jumped in front of me I don't know why Monokuma is here bust as long as I have this magic stick I face palmed Monokuma then jumped on her and they started to wrestle and once they stopped Monokuma broke her magic stick nooo my magic stick no then what to do after my flawless victory first of all you're too plain white rabbits are far too plain so I'm gonna make you in my image he laughed they started wrestling again they said some things that shouldn't be repeated near children once he was done usami was half and half one side pink one side white taa daa all done wha- what is this I'm not supposed to look weird like this change me back to normal my my Defying your big brothers fashion sense is monomi a little troublemaker I was confused no way was she related to him I'm not believing that big brother monomi your current position is to wishy-washy so I'm setting you to be my little sister monomi though it's only an external setting after all then for some odd reason monomi continue the conversation then he punched monomi stupid fool do you think you can win against me owe it hurts a lot when you punch me I ran over to monomi said to make sure she was ok and she was fine how about that now you've learned your lesson if only I still had The magic stick I could have totally beaten that awful Monokuma he laughed at her it's your fault for leaving yourself open even a one second opening is life-threatening on a battlefield hey what's with this stupid performance wh-who friggin knows but it's obvious something bad is happening whaa- what is this what's going on monomi was crying I felt bad for her huh now she's all weird looking weird looking she matches me now you know how insensitive there's more of them wh-what does this mean what *is* that black and white tanuki I'm not a tanuki I'm a bear Monokuma he said pissed I-I Don't understand it myself but a new stuffed animal appeared I mean why is that stuffed animal even talking seriously I am not a stuffed animal I am Monokuma the headmaster of hope's peak academy Monokuma did you say headmaster Regardless it appears everyone has gathered now then as the headmaster I shall make a formal declaration from this point onward the killing school trip will now commence A school trip where everyone gets along has no stimulation at all and it's so damn boring nobody wants to play a game like that you guys agree with me right so let's begin our current school trip naturally you guys are the contestants k-killing contestants wh-what are you saying I will absolutely positively not allow such bloody events and before I could save her Monokuma kicked her I ran over to her to make sure she was ok again she was ok jeez your brain sure is tiny monomi how many times do I have to tell you pay attention this time except in manga a little sister is never smarter than her big brother I rolled my eyes at Monokuma monomi was crying so I held her for a little bit no then we got Off-topic for a while so let's go back to the explanation of the killing school trip wh-wh-what do you mean "killing school trip"
Isn't it obvious you guys are going to kill each other kill each other I see then he said the same thing in a panicked voice wh-what are you saying that's impossible well don't you think it's kinda lame and boring that you can't leave the island unless you all get along So I'm changing the rules if you want off this island then please kill one of your friends and then make it through the class trial without getting caught when I heard Monokuma say class trial I got little flashes of the first class trials it shook me up a bit but I was ok class trial chiaki questioned that's right the class trail is the real charm of this killing school trip if one of you gets murdered the surviving members must participate in the class trial at the class trial there will be a showdown between the blackened killer and the other spotless students during the trial your present your arguments about who you think the blackened is The outcome will be decided by popular vote and if you arrive at the correct answer only the blackened killer will be punished the rest may continue their school trip however if you choose poorly then the one who got away with murder will survive and the rest of you will receive your punishment as far as the class trial rules go that's all there is to it Which means if you kill someone and make it through the class trial you get to live and leave this island however if you are found guilty during the class trial then you will be punished puhuhuh it's a familiar but simple rule right you keep repeating that word "punish" over and over what's the deal with that basically it's an execution e-execution The pleasing punishment that follows the class trial this is one of the perks of the killing school trip puhuhu what sort of spine-tingling punishments will we see I can't help it I'm already getting excited there may even be some unique punishments like impaling you through the head with a thingamajig claw ahem any method of killing is fine popular ones like bludgeoning stabbing strangling and poisoning to shooting beating running over burning bombing slashing drowning electrocution crushing cursing please choose whichever killing method you prefer no time limit so you can kill as you please it's an all-you-can-murder buffet a theme park of murder that's what this killing school trip is all about d-don't fuck with me th-that's right Who on earth would kill someone i'm not ordering anyone to kill whether or not you kill someone is entirely up to you But be careful youth doesn't last forever it'll be too late if you guys wait till you're in your forty's to start killing each other I-I don't believe any of this I don't believe any of this I don't believe any of this teruteru repeated I was trying to keep calm but it was hard wh-what If nobody ever gets murdered does that mean we'll never leave this island who Knows Anyway I'd like for you all to go through with this killing school trip in a healthy and positive manner w-wait just a minute why do we have to do this well it's obvious there's a reason you all need to kill each other eh hold on you've been running your mouth for quite some time now I don't want to get violent but if I do I have no idea what might happen what a fight do I need to beat the crap outta that black and white bear Who would dare try to kill I'll put a stop to it with force if necessary if you keep saying stupid stuff the athletes in our group are gonna lose their patients ah is that so well I guess I expected this reaction if you guys wanna do things by force then I'll have to fight back with a little force of my own I could tell Monokuma was pissed which made my anxiety go up cause if he's pissed someone's going to get hurt and I need to protect that person Force what are you gonna do surge o gods Who dwell between light and darkness in accordance with our contract I summon thee now Come forth mono beast I knew those words arn't good cause all of a sudden the Statues turned in to these big robots huh huh wh-why Did the statue move that's no statue they're monobeast m-m-m-m-monster No I just said they're monobeast n-no This can't be this is just too weird am I having a nightmare or something hiyoko laughed A nightmare he says he just admitted his brain is a total flower patch jeez you guys sure are a skeptical bunch If something doesn't fit within your Narrow notions of common sense you just deny it out right How stupid ignorant cavemen are better than you all classifying events according to their Genre is a disease of the modern age everyone please stay back I-I will protect everyone even at the cost of my own life I will protect everyone then Monokuma started making weird noises huh what's this ah I know this is nausea you're sickly Sweet sense of justice makes me wanna puke all righty then it's decided you'll be my example to everyone I gasped knowing what that meant Monokuma then got on the big monobeast and aimed at monomi no I screamed I ran to get in front of her to save her but nekomaru grabbed my arm and kept me in his hold to keep me from getting close to monomi let me go I screamed she's going to get killed I need to save her I screamed with tears in my eyes then Monokuma started shooting at her NO! I screamed then I saw a bullet scratch hajime's cheek that made it even worse when he stopped shooting nekomaru let go of me I fell to my knees and punched the ground and yelled I COULD'VE SAVED HER everyone else was also freaking out then I heard Monokuma laugh it made me more pissed I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying cause all I could think about was monomi getting shot it kept replaying over and over until I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder I jumped and screamed a little when I looked behind me it was Ibuki She had her arms open I got up and fell into her arms and cried I didn't hear what they were talking about because I was crying and I couldn't help it when I finally calmed down I let go of ibuki everyone looked at the handbooks expect me after looking through the handbook we all separated I went to my cabin and made sure to shut and lock the door I saw there was a camera in the room again so I broke it I waited for Monokuma to come yell at me but he never did after that I took a shower and got dressed I saw it was 10:00 pm when I came out of the shower so I went straight to bed so I wouldn't have to hear Monokuma's voice for the night time announcement

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