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Her dark brown eyes followed the slick ice as she glazed across it, smooth as butter. Laughter escaped her mouth as she heard the speed up Charlie did on his skates to get to her quicker — causing her to only do the same as he.

"Get back here, Banks!" He shouted from the other side of the rink, making her laugh out loud.

"Try to get me Conway." She turned towards him, skating backwards with ease. This was a usual thing for the two — meeting one another at the local ice rink, simply messing around while also working on their hockey tricks they've taught themselves along the way.

A cheeky giggle escaped Eliza's lips — almost coming out as a squeal once she felt Charlie's hefty arms wrap around her waist, pulling her into his chest to lift her into the air. He twirled her around, his skates making a messy circle. "You can't get rid of me, Banks." He murmured into her ear, making a blush fade onto her face.

"Sadly." She whispered, facing him as he grinned down at her. Eliza ruffled his messy locks, making them flop down his forehead. Eliza stared up at him — almost memorized by his looks. She hated herself a heap ton for being so obsessed with Charlie freaking Conway.

"Take a picture Banks. It'll last longer." He joked, rolling his eyes playfully. She scoffed, shoving him away. Out of embarrassment, Eliza tried escaping from his grasp, only to be pulled back into his chest — tightly holding onto her.

"Let go." She giggled, playing with the zipper of Charlie's jacket.

He hummed, shaking his head lightly. "Nah. I gotta keep ahold of you for a little longer." He looked down at her, while she failed to wiggle out of his grasp. Finally giving up, she sighed, looking up to him with a pouted lip. "Good girl."

Eliza's face cringed at that, slapping his bicep. Charlie smiled down at the girl — his girl, cupping his chilly palm to her jaw. Swiftly, Charlie pressed his lips against Eliza's, causing an excited jump to pop up in her heart. Their lips moved in sync as the light pink blush on their cheeks grew into a bush of red. Charlie hummed against her mouth, making her smile up at him.

She was the one to break apart from him, as Charlie knew she was an addicting drug he didn't want to let go of. "Don't get too carried away, Conway." She whispered against his lips, a cheeky smirk coming onto his face.

"What do you want to do tonight?" He asked, as Eliza looked confused — faking it, of course. Eliza was very aware on what exactly this day was, and what it meant for the two. May 23rd, the one year of Eliza and Charlie's relationship. Or at least the day Charlie and Eliza labeled their relationship.

"What's tonight?" She tried her best to contain her laughter, watching Charlie's smile drop.

"You better be joking, Banks."

She let out a hum, tapping her index finger against her mouth. "Joking about what?" She shrugged, skating away cheekily. Charlie caught on to her practical joke, shaking his head.

"You're a horrible liar, Banksie."

"You sure about that?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow. "Cause, I've discovered the more that people think you're a horrible liar — the better you are at lying."

Charlie gave her an interested look, as she simply shrugged, making him release a laugh. "Seriously, what do you wanna do tonight?"

Eliza slowed her skating, opening the gate to the exit of the ice rink. "Want to go to Mickey's?" She asked, looking towards the boy who smiled, grateful he had a girlfriend who wasn't all prissy and eager to go to some fancy restaurant he couldn't afford to pay for.

"I'd love to." He murmured into her blonde locks, locking his arm around her neck to keep her close in contact.

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