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   SILENCE OVERLAPPED THE TEENAGE BOY'S room as Eliza and Charlie quietly studied

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SILENCE OVERLAPPED THE TEENAGE BOY'S room as Eliza and Charlie quietly studied. With the excitement of summer coming to a start, the two were busy at work — in hopes they wouldn't be stuck doing summer school, more or so, Charlie, who had the luck of being forced to attend a school task such as.

The faint music of Nirvana strummed through Charlie's cheap record player, with the breeze blowing through his open window. Eliza stared aimlessly outside — in a daydream of her thoughts. Of course, Charlie noticed almost immediately. He was able to catch all the little things she did, himself finding it easy.

"Banks," He mutters her name — in hopes to get her attention. Wistfully, her head turned to the boy, quirking an eyebrow of curiosity. She hummed, in ask of him to continue. "You feelin' ok?"

"Uh, yeah. Just in my thoughts, I guess." Eliza mumbles, shuffling to the edge of the bed. Eliza felt a dent in the mattress next to her, indicating Charlie had taken a seat beside her slouched over self. His hands grazed her thigh, gently rubbing it for comfort.

"It's hockey, right? I've been stressed too — I can't wait to get back out there." Charlie faintly chuckled.

Eliza's movements stifled, slowly nodding along to his words. "Yeah, totally."

"I wonder if Camden plays hockey." Charlie muttered to himself, catching Eliza's attention.


"Remember — the boy from the diner last weekend! I ran into him at Variety. Got his number, and stuff. He told me he's getting a job there — apparently, he's in a band. Doesn't pay much, though. He brought them here for the summer. Maybe we could all be friends!" Charlie grinned like a child with chocolate — erupting a laughter from Eliza, as she admired her boyfriend.

"Maybe." She mumbled, playing with the dainty end strands of his brown hair. "A band, you say?"

Charlie hummed. "Yeah, they're called 'Expired Days'. I think Camden said he was the guitarist..." Charlie glanced to his ceiling in thought, hesitantly nodding. "Yeah — he's the guitarist. Anyway, we should hang out with him sometime. He kept asking questions about you — I think he's interested in hockey, and I told him you were an expert!"

"I am not an expert, Char. But thanks for the confidence boost." Eliza giggled, dropping her hands to his fingers.

Charlie gently grasped the blackening of Eliza's head, pulling her lips up to his with the consent of her. Eliza's lips unknowingly formed into a smile; Charlie's own mocking her.

Eliza's hands pressed against Charlie stiff plaided jacket covered chest, jerking him away from her at the sound of a duck call from below his window. Charlie stared wildly at her from on the floor, as she sent an apologetic look.

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