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CHAPTER FIVE. Land Of Angel's.


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    "I'M SO TIRED." Eliza whines, letting her body slump against the plush white comforter of the hotel bed. The room dimly lit from the lack of lights on, fueling Eliza's exhaust more.

"Me too." Connie huffed, rubbing her tired eyes as she began to discard her bags and accessories she had gathered and styled throughout the day. Eliza laid lifeless, too encumbered to move properly. Her mind told her to go and shower; clean herself up and rid her of the sweat and body ache she had endured. But her joints and muscles said otherwise. "Food — I want food." Connie admitted, peering over to Eliza's slumped state.

"Mhm." Eliza hummed, running a hand down her flushed face. "I'm going to shower." She barely mutters out, raising to her feet sleepily.

"Have fun, chickee." Connie grinned, popping her fresh pearl earrings into her small pink jewelry bag. Eliza waved her off, entering into the clean, newly modeled bathroom, the bright white lights blinding her. Eliza had never been in such an extravagant housing establishment; her eyes still being amazed each step she took around this ravenous hotel.

Once starting up the boiling hot water, Eliza began to remove all the small accessories she wore, which weren't much. She then slowly brushed through her knotted hair, freeing away the helmet look. A yawn escaped her mouth entering into the shower, the steamy water cascading down her pale body that was surely about to receive a heavy tan from how impactful the sun was in California.

Finishing her shower in record time, Eliza was quick to throw on a clean set of sweats — preparing to hop into her fluff white bed and sleep away her tiredness. Eliza was always tired, meaning that when she finally got the chance to shut her eyes, she was as happy as can be. Exiting the steam filled bathroom, Eliza was met with multiple pairs of eyes, catching her off guard. "Hello." She mutters, glancing between her 8 teammates.

"We're going out for dinner!" Connie smiles, jumping to her feet with hands in the air, wrapping them swiftly around Eliza's waist. The Banks female groaned, throwing her head back.

"I'm not going." Eliza shook her head, wiggling out of Connie's grip to escape towards her bed, throwing herself under the covers with no hesitation. The 8 watched in amusement, snickering to one another.

"Cmon, El! We've barely been out here. We're a bunch of teenagers in Los Angeles California with no adult supervision. Now, will you please stand up and get proper clothes on so we can go out and eat a bunch of food while talk crap about our new teammates — no offence, Jules." Connie sheepishly smiles to Julie, who waves her off.

"No." Eliza whines into the feather pillow, shaking her head lazily. Feeling a dent into her bed, her head tilted to the side, quirking an eyebrow curiously.

"We won't be out for long." Charlie faintly smiles, rubbing her arm. "Plus, you haven't eaten much today, so, let's go, Banksie, come on." He grabs her torso, tugging her up with force. Charlie ignored the groaning noises Eliza made, irritated from her interruption of rest.

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