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CHAPTER SIX. Happy 16th, Germaine.

    "SCORE!" Shouted Connie, her hands clapping together as Eliza's skates shredded against the ice, the flakes of the cold flooring flying up as she skidded to a stop

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"SCORE!" Shouted Connie, her hands clapping together as Eliza's skates shredded against the ice, the flakes of the cold flooring flying up as she skidded to a stop.

Eliza released a series of heavy pants, swiping a bead of sweat across her dripping forehead. Her heartbeat thumped against her chest at such a rapid pace, Connie could feel it all the way across the rink. Eliza's hands found their ways to her hips, discarding the wooden stick that had been plastered to her palms for the past three hours. Eliza was an athletic junkie. When she had started a small workout, practicing whatever combination she could think of, it'd turn into four-hour long sessions of her repeating the same exact thing until she got it down in her bones.

She blamed it on her father and his heavy demands, but she didn't mind. It kept her mind distracted. Being on the ice was the one-time Eliza was able to completely discard every burden or worry she had on her mind and completely focus on this single task that ruled her life.

"Eliza, my god, you are probably the most inspiring person I've ever met." Connie gawked in amazement, as she had been glued onto the sidelines the entire time Eliza had been enduring her workout, watching her best friend run herself absolutely ragged.

"Thanks, Cons." Eliza panted, slowly gliding towards Connie as she allowed the exhaustion, she had been fighting off for hours, to finally take over her. Connie assisted Eliza into the disserted box, letting Eliza fall onto the cold, steel bench that was littered with their equipment.

Connie slumped down beside Eliza, handing her an ice filled water bottle that she had retrieved from the sidelines. Eliza gladly took it, chugging the hydrator, before wiping her mouth of any residue left behind on her chapped lips. "These teams aren't gonna know what hit them when we play tonight." Connie chuckled, shaking her head. Eliza vaguely smiled at her friend, nodding in response. "But instead of focusing on that right now, we need to discuss what we're doing for Guy's birthday."

Eliza had been so caught up in all the chaos, she hadn't even thought about the fact her best friend's birthday was only three days away. When his birthday would hit, he'll be lucky enough to be spending it in Los Angles, surrounded by his friends. But Eliza and Connie both knew he was feeling a sense of homesickness, especially since Guy had never even left Minnesota. It was his sixteenth birthday, and he'd be spending it away from the one place he had always known.

"Before we left home, my parents and his gave me a ton of money to spend for his birthday on whatever he wants, so that isn't an issue. We just now have to figure out what we're going to even do. I mean, this is a big deal — I want to do something really big and special." Connie gleamed. Eliza knew instantly that Connie was already creating a full bulletin board of ideas in her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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