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"Jeon Jungkook" Chief Jay emphasises the criminals name. The one who supposedly out bested me at combat yesterday.

"How sure are you that this is linked to his case? You already mentioned he doesn't leave a trace of evidence." I ask as he slips the thinnest suspect folder ever over the desk.

"Well obviously no one leaves the station that late at night like you did so he obviously thought he could get away with it but fortunately you were there." Jay explains and makes perfect sence as the suspect obviously didn't have time to hide the victim.

"Hold on a minute-" I open up the file on Jeon Jungkook to find nothing but his name and a few notes about his case. "There's nothing here. No birthday. No family. Heck not even a picture of him."

"Well, he's a bit of a tricky one. We have searched months for information on him throughout the system but he's not registered into anything."

"Then how do you expect me to do anything with a name and worthless facts?" I raise my voice a little without realising, getting irritated for some reason.

"Well, you have the victim to talk to first. No one on the force has even got that. All they get is people saying they had there car stolen end of."

I glace back at the empty folder and scrunch my eyebrows together in thought.

I can do this. All I need is one solid piece of evidence from the victim and I could potential get to a position no officer has got before.

"Okay. I'll take care of this case, Sir" I nod in farewell and gather the none existent file to leave.


"What happened in there?" Jimin has his feet up on his desk while he's flipping through a clipboard.

"I've been assigned a new case to work on, linking to last nights incident"

"What?" Jimin almost throws the clipboard into his desk and stands up immediately. "Your joking?"

"Why would I joke about that?" I know that Jimin still hasn't forgotten about how hurt I got yesterday and definitely won't let it go.

"You got injured to the point of bruising and bleeding and he still decides to put you on that case?!"


"That bastard!" Jimin swears out loud as he glares at Jay's office door down the hallway.

"Jimin, please. Your being unreasonab-"

"Unreasonable?! Seriously Y/n!" He looks down at my scared expression as I am overwhelmed by the amount of anger he's showing.

"I- ugh." He takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for." He places his thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose to calm himself while turning to walk back to his desk.

"Its okay..." I compose myself after his outburst.

Never have I seen Jimin get so worked up about me getting a case to work on. Normally he's really happy that I have been chosen to be assigned something and that he would love to help.

He's acting more protective than ever. Possibly even more than Jin.

"Oh shut it you two, some people are trying to sleep" a voice from behind me says.

"Yoongi, I think the word 'people' applies to only you. Everyone else is actually doing work" Jimin chuckles as he looks towards the cell guard, slouching in his chair and resting his head backwards.

 Everyone else is actually doing work" Jimin chuckles as he looks towards the cell guard, slouching in his chair and resting his head backwards

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