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My father.


I walk out into the narrow alley, hoping that he will pick up but also that he won't. I don't know what I will say.

* ring ring *

No pick up.

* ring ring *


*ring r-*

"Well look who's calling" a stern voice comes through the electronic devise. He sounds pissed.

"I'm surprised you picked up" I grit through my teeth leaning against the wall.

I've not heard his disgusting voice in years.

"Well why would I reject a call from my own son hm?"

"Cut the bullshit" I raise my voice making a small chuckle come from the phone.

"I'm guessing you are calling about that Job I gave you of which you stupidly failed because of a specific girl, am I wrong?"

My eyes widen to him referring to Y/n and how he knows about her.

"How do you-"

"Do you really think that I don't keep an eye on my son? She's a Lieutenant yes?" He silences potentially pretending to think. "What would happen if she finds out about our little deal? She would know too much"

"Don't you lay a fucking finger on her you bastard" I find myself growing angry, almost as if steam is flaring out my ears.

"Don't worry, I still have my end of the deal to complete anyways" A scream from the end of the phone deafens me, my eyes prick with tears but I don't let them fall.

"Since you didn't successfully fulfill your job, I have no choice but to teach you a lesson by hurting the one you hold close" I almost can hear his smirk down the phone before another scream of a woman appears.

"Stop it you absolute psychopath!" I shout down the phone, the tears I kept from falling finally descend down my face without permission.

"You know this was going to happen Jungkook, whenever you don't complete a mission..."

Another scream.

"Your mother pays the price"

I fall to my knees and drop the phone as the screams of my mother rattles through my head.

"Get the job done in the next 12 hours and I will go easy on her." And with that, my father hangs up leaving me with only the horrible echoes of screams in my head.

I promised Y/n that I would try and be better and not steal anything anymore, but I can't do nothing while my mother is there getting tortured by my psychopathic father.

"I'm sorry Y/n, but I have no choice"


Y/n's POV:

"He's been a while out there, what do you think he's doing?" Taehyung asks

"Jerking off" Hoseok say's sarcastically with a smirk on his face.


Hoseok earns a harsh slap to the shoulder from Taehyung making him jump slightly laughing.

"Are you feeling better Y/n?"

I woke up after Jungkook left since he wasn't very careful when moving me to get up. My head was pounding but since the two boys basically drowned me in water, I felt a bit more conscious than before.

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