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It's the same necklace

Both of our faces turned into a shocked expression as we took a closer look at the engraved symbols of the necklace.

"What the fuck" Jimin bluntly expresses, comparing the image with the sketch of his notebook.

"I should have told you before but, I saw the guy wearing this in the street" I fiddle with my watch on my wrist, nervous to see his reaction.

"Wait, that's the reason you ran off?" He links the times together instantly, staring into my eyes as if to gather more information from me mentally.

"Basically yes, I'm sorry I did that. I should have caught him but instead I let him run away" I reply.

"Are you serious? Y/n, you weren't in the right mind to do anything, I understand. What ever he did to you obviously was twisted" Jimin starts getting worried for me again.

"Can you just take me home? Please..." I quietly say which makes him sigh.

"Your right, let's get you home." He smiles and takes my bag from the desk to put over his shoulder.

"Such a gentleman" I sarcastically point out and laugh as I put my coat on and exit the building with him.

He laughs too and unlocks his car as we both get inside, putting our seatbelts on.


As we near the entrance of my apartment, a tall figure with broad looking shoulders is sitting on the wall next to the street.

"What's Jin doing here?" I ask, knowing well that he normally has work today.

Jimin also doesn't have any knowledge of Jin's random appearance, shrugging as he parks his car on the side.

"Jin! What are you doing here?" I jump out the car and smile towards him.

Jin is like a brother to me, we hardly get to see each other and he is a very close friend of my family.

"My motherly instincts were tingling so I came to make sure you are okay." He returns the smile and ruffles my hair.

He greets Jimin and all three of us make are way into my apartment.

"Right, I have to get going since I am still basically working." Jimin states as he makes his way towards the door. "Take care of her will you?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" Jin places his arm around my shoulder.

Jimin left, closing the door gently behind him, leaving me and Jin in my place.

"Movie and Jin's special kimchi?" Jin brings up as an idea and makes us both smile.

"Definitely!" I run over to the couch and instantly start looking for a funny comedy show that we can watch.


Jin's POV

We are both sat on the couch munching on our food that I made which I know Y/n loves.

I was sat with my plate on my lap while Y/n was snuggled in a blanket, her plate on the arm of the chair while her eyes glue to the screen.

We laugh a lot, most of the time at my own jokes instead of the actual program, until we both start to get tired the later it got.

Y/n kept looking like she could pass out any seconds, her eyelids heavy and closing without her permission.

"I think I should get going now" I get up from the couch and await her response but I don't get one.

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