Not fair

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All suit up, Kara entered the DEO.

'' Alex '' She called her sister's name.

'' Supergirl '' Alex greeted, walking to her.

''What's up?'' Kara asked.

Pulling her sister to the side, Alex said, ''They fixed the ship. The Legion ship. They used the battery from J'onn's ship to fix it.''

'' Oh ''

''Yeah. The new guy, Brainy, and Winn are working in finding a way for them to go back to the future.'' Alex explained.

'' Oh ok '' Kara murmured. ''And why am I here?'' Kara asked, raising a brow.

''They're really close to finding a way, and I thought you should know.'' Alex replied.

''Ok.'' Kara nodded and looked at the floor.

'' Kara '' Mon-el said from behind her, making her turn to look at him. ''Can we talk?''

''uh, sure,'' She replied, before glancing at her sister and then going in the direction of the training room.

Once inside the room, Kara asked. ''What's up?''

''Well, we fixed the ship. Brainy and Winn are trying to find a way to send us back now.''

''Yeah, I know.'' She said with a nod.

''Kara, I-'' Mon-el began, but then stopped.

Feelings. Why do they have to be so complicated? Why do they exist anyway? Oh right, to cause trouble. I hate feelings, Kara thought.

''Kara, when I got here, I was a horrible person. Self-absorbed, misogynist, you name it. But with time I changed. You changed me. You made me a better person.'' Mon-el said softly.

Kara kept quiet, not really knowing what she should say, so she just nodded, so he continued.

''I still care about you, Kara. My feeling didn't just disappear... When I married Imra I was still grieving you, I married her to help people, but we grew to love each other.''

''Why are you telling me this Mon-el?'' Kara asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable, and not really sure where this was going.

''Today Imra asked me if I still loved you and I said I didn't know.''

''Mon-el.'' Kara sighed heavily.

''She was my friend, and my feelings for her deepened with time. But you... there was nothing logical in loving you.''

''Mon-el just... please get to the point.'' Kara said, pinching the bridge of her nose. Yep, a headache was coming.

''She gave me a choice. She said that when Brainy find a way back, if I decide to stay, if I want to stay, she would understand.''

'' Oh '' Kara breathes, barely audible. Swallowing hard, she asks, ''Do you... want to stay?''

'' I don't know '' Mon-el murmured with a sigh. '' Do you want me to stay?''

''Mon-el -'' Kara began, but then stopped. Taking a deep breath, she continues, ''It's not fair of you to ask me that. I can't tell you what to do Mon-el. This is your life, and you need to decide what you want. I won't get in the middle of this.''

''Kara-'' He starts, but she doesn't let him finish.

''No Mon-el. I can't give you answers to questions that only you have the answer to. You had 7 years. 7 years for you to move on. And just when I start to do the same, you show up. With a wife no less.'' She shook her head, and kept going, ''I will not tell you what to do. I will not go through that again. This is your life, and You need to decide what you want... I'm sorry, I can't help you with this.'' Kara sighs and leaves without even looking back.

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