Truth 2

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''I'm Supergirl.''


Silence. A never ending silence. Kara sat there crying, looking at Lena expecting her to do something, to get angry, to reject her, but she doesn't. She just sits there, frozen, eyes wide and heart beating so fast, Kara thinks she might pass out.

Kara was already contemplating reaching for Lena, when Lena downed the rest of her wine and put her glass on the coffee table.

''When I came to this city... I promised myself that I would never trust anyone again... and then I met you.'' Lena began. ''You chipped away at my armor with your warmth and your earnestness. You convinced me to trust in people, in friendship again, and against my better judgment I did.''

''Lena-'' Kara whimpered.

''The world is full of liars, I should know, some of the best ones are members of my family.'' Lena kept going, her voice a bit unsteady and her eyes watering. ''Telling the truth isn't easy. Some people keep secrets to hurt others, to make them feel like a fool... but you didn't... you did this to protect me... I understand why you kept your secret, Kara. Why you did what you did.''

'' I'm s-so s-sorry '' Said Kara, closing her eyes and trying to control her breathing. ''I never me-meant to hurt you.''

''Oh Darling, I know.'' Lena said softly, reaching for Kara's hand and giving a squeeze. ''I'm not saying it didn't hurt being left out, that it didn't feel like you didn't tell me because I'm a Luthor.''

''NO Lena. You know I don't care about that.'' Kara said quickly and shook her head.

''I know. It took me a while to see it, but I do.'' Lena assured her.

Soft hands cupped Kara's face, wiping her tears, making the blonde take a sharp inhale and stare at Lena's eyes. There are so many emotions in those eyes. Some good, some bad, but there's one so strong that takes Kara's breath away. And Lena knows she's showing too much emotion right now, but Kara's warmth is so intoxicating that it makes her feel safe.

Lena didn't want to do something that could ruin the moment, so she pulled Kara into a hug and buried her face in the crook of her neck. Kara held her tightly, afraid that if she let Lena go, she would disappear.

They stayed like that for a while, until Kara replayed the conversation in her mind and notice something. ''Lena?''

''hmm?'' Lena hummed and buried herself even more in Kara's embrace.

''Lena, what did you mean when you said it took you a while to see it, but then you did?'' Kara asked quietly.

Lena let out a soft chuckle and pulled out from Kara's embrace. With a smirk on her face, she replied, ''Kara, darling! Glasses and a ponytail is not really a disguise.''

''Wait, you knew?'' Kara asked, eyes wide.

''Of course I knew, Miss 'I flew here on a bus'.'' Lena joked, laughing at the look in Kara's face.

''Oh Rao! How long? Why didn't you tell me?'' Kara asked softly.

''Long enough, and didn't tell you because I wanted you to tell me yourself. I wanted to know if you trusted me enough to tell me.'' Lena told her honestly.

''I do. I trust you, Lena.'' Kara said with determination, receiving a smile and a nod from Lena.

''Rao! I can't believe you let me panic like that. You're evil.'' Kara said, shaking her head and laughing.

''Well, what can I say? The Luthor genes shine through sometimes.'' Lena shrugged and smirked.

Yes, telling the truth isn't easy. It can be difficult and painful, but in the end, it's the right thing to do.

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