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People say closure helps. That when you finally have closure, it's easier to move on. They're right. It does not happen overnight, but it does happen. 3 months. It's been 3 months and 4 days since the Legion left. After fixing the ship, it didn't take long to find a solution to send them back to the future. Kara kept her distance from Mon-el after their conversation. She knew that he had to make the decision to stay or not. She wanted him to choose to stay, not because she asked him to or because he thought he owed it to her, but because he still loved her. In the end, he chose to go back to the future.

Brainy, on the contrary, decided to stay. As an AI, he thought that acquiring knowledge and discovering new things was what he should do. But he could not leave the Legion short a person, so he offered Winn his position. Of course, he reminded Winn, multiple times, that he was only a level 1 intellect, but a level 1 that would be a great addition to the team. It took a lot of thinking on Winn's part to come to a decision, but just like Brainy, discovering new things was something that he loved to do. So he accepted.

Brainy, being from the future, had knowledge that Argo city survived the fall of Krypton. He helped Kara and the DEO locate it. Kara could not believe that her mother was still alive after all this time. After finding it, she spent weeks on Argo reminiscing her old home with her mother and old friends. But in the end, she realized that everything that made her who she is, was on Earth. That Earth was home.

Earth. The place where her friends live. The place where her sister, the new director of the DEO, lives. After a fight against a powerful alien, in which J'onn's father sacrificed himself to save people, J'onn decided to retire to follow his father's footsteps and with that, leaving Alex in charge.

So yeah, these last 3 months have been a roller coaster of emotions for everyone. And it's not over yet.

''Kara, calm down!'' Alex said from where she was on the couch.

''She'll be here at any minute.'' Kara was running, putting things away, trying to make the place at least presentable.

''Kara.'' Alex sighed.

''No Alex, this need to go perfectly. I need to tell her the truth, and I can't take the chance of something going wrong.'' Said Kara, coming from her bedroom.

''Nothing will go wrong.'' Alex said.

Seeing that Kara was not going to say anything else, Alex asked her softly, ''Are you sure you wanna do this?''

''Yes, Alex! I need to do this. I need to be honest with her. She deserves to know the truth, she earned it.''

Alex doesn't say a word, knowing that Kara's right, so she just nods.

Hearing a knock on the door, Kara's heart skips a beat. ''Oh Rao!''

Laughing at her sister despair, Alex gets up, collects her things and head to the door. Just before opening, she says, ''It's gonna be fine.''

'' Hi Alex '' Lena greets her, entering the apartment.

''Hi Lena, Bye Lena.'' She replied, making Lena chuckle a bit.

Once the door was closed and Alex was gone, Kara went to Lena and gave her a warm hug.

'' Hi '' Kara says softly.

''Hey. I hope you're hungry, I brought potstickers.'' Lena grinned.

''Always.'' Kara beamed at the mention of food, making Lena laugh.

Shaking her head at Kara's never ending stomach, Lena made her way to the couch, with Kara right behind her. Sitting comfortably and with food on hand, Kara and Lena talked, laughed and whined about their day at work. Kara knew she couldn't prolong the inevitable. She wanted to tell Lena the truth, so that's what she was going to do.

''Lena, I need to tell you something.''

'' Oh '' Putting her food down and picking up her glass of wine, Lena asked, ''What is it?''

''I just...'' Kara shifted nervously, but continued, ''I need you to know that've wanted to tell you this for so long now. That I wanted to be honest with you and tell you the truth. But I needed to keep you safe, I needed to protect you.'' Kara held Lena's gaze to let her see the honesty in her eyes.

''I was selfish and scared, and I didn't wanna lose you, so I just kept postponing and making excuses and I-'' Kara's eyes began to water, but she kept going, ''You've been hurt so many times Lena, and I need you to know that the last thing I wanted was to hurt you too.'' Her voice trembles, and she closes her eyes, which causes a tear to escape.

Shaking her head and wiping her tears, Kara said, ''I'm so sorry, Lee. You're a good person... kind-hearted, beautiful soul, and you don't deserve this. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I lied to you.''

''Kara, what're you talking about?'' Lena asked.

''Please. Please just remember that you're my best friend and that I love you so much.'' Kara whimpered


Kara doesn't let Lena finish her question. She takes of her glasses and doesn't hesitate anymore. ''I'm Supergirl.''

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