*Important Notes*

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· AU of Supergirl (little after season 3, episode 9);

· The whole World Killer plot doesn't exist (So no Reign);

· Sam is in the story, but she's human (Normal story line for her and Ruby);

· Kara was the one who Lena talked to about the kiss with James, not J'onn (episode 10);

· Since it's season 3, I'll be mentioning Mon-el and the plot about the future, but it will be so it can match my story (It was an accident that brought them to the past);

· The disaster with Guardian doesn't happen, so no charges against James;

· The timeline of this story is before the beginning of season 4.

PS: This is my first story, so please be kind. Also, English is not my main language, be patient with me if I make a mistake. I hope you all enjoy, this story was made with love. Bye!

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