Epilogue: Home Sweet Home

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A/N: Have your tissues handy.



Home Sweet Home

Upstate New York was beautiful. Pam's sister lived in a large house in a quiet secluded area away from suburbia. Pam had wanted to pick them up at the airport, but Emily knew the girls would want to come and they would be relentless in asking questions. They were very smart little girls. They would figure it out. Bringing them to the airport would ruin the surprise.

After they rented a car they set out on their way out to the house. Emily couldn't help but notice all the 'for sale' signs they passed on the way. It sparked an idea in her mind that simmered in her thoughts.

Alison fidgeted in the passenger's seat. She was eager to see her babies. Emily took her hand, leaving one on the wheel. The energy they shared was palpable. They were so excited to see their little ones again.

When Emily had left the girls with her mother she had hugged them very tightly, not knowing if she'd ever see them again. She hadn't wanted to let them go. She didn't trust anyone with her babies except for family. If she could have found a way to get them to Jason overseas to get them as far away from the danger as possible she would have.

Jason had called them every day since the news broke. After he heard the whole story he'd wanted to fly home to be there for them. He'd hated his father, the man who had treated him like a bastard his entire life. They hadn't spoken since he left home. But he loved his baby sister.

Alison told her brother that she would smack him upside his big dumb head if he cut his philanthropic visit to Haiti short because of her.

There wouldn't be a funeral for their father. He'd essentially already been cremated in the fire. Alison told the police she wanted nothing to do with what was left of his body. His remains belonged to the city. No one would mourn his loss.

After all the drama in Beacon Heights they needed some time to process what they'd been through. Emily had extended her leave of absence at work and Alison had decided to take time off from school to deal with the mental and emotional ramifications of what she'd gone through.

They had decided they wanted to stay in New York for a little while. Going back to Rosewood right away didn't feel right. Rosewood drudged up just as many bad memories as the fresh wounds they'd gotten in Beacon Heights.

Emily had once dreamed of getting out of Rosewood. She'd been a bird ready to fly when she was younger. After A happened she was more than ready to get away. She had gotten as far away as possible after high school, but a part of Rosewood still pumped through her veins.

After she had gone back for Charlotte's hearing all of her feelings about Alison came rushing back to her, and she couldn't stay away. She knew she couldn't leave her again.

When Alison found out she was pregnant with their children Emily remembered feeling her world coming to a complete stop. For a moment in time the shock made her feel like the only two people that existed were her and Alison.

They'd had numerous talks about what to do, but once they'd decided to have the babies they set a plan in motion for their future.

The brunette hated Rosewood. She wanted to leave and start their family somewhere new. But Alison wasn't ready to go. She had a tether keeping her there. She'd been on the run so much when she was younger that she'd started to lose a sense of where she belonged. No place ever truly felt like home. Not until she'd come back after having been missing for over a year.

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