Battle Scars

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A/N: Guess I'm trying to rival the actual show on how long it takes to get updates out. I do apologize for the wait (TWO WHOLE MONTHS? *smacks self*). This is what happens when you decide to work on multiple projects at once. I'll try not to wait so long between updates again. Thanks for those still chugging along with me.

Also, FYI, this chapter does deal with some sensitive material so tread carefully.


Chapter 7:

Battle Scars

"And in a stunning turn of events, Beacon Heights' own Claire Hotchkiss was arrested under suspicion of murder. Hotchkiss is known to many citizens as a beloved philanthropist and a vital part of Beacon Heights University. Those closest to Hotchkiss immediately came to her defense with a legal team demanding swift action for her release. Bail was set and she was released..."

Alison stared at the television, dumbfounded. She had been released? It hadn't even been 24 hours and she was already out walking the streets again. It seemed unfair, especially given that when she lived in Rosewood she'd been locked up for a crime she hadn't committed. They'd all but decided that she was guilty of murdering Mona and threw away the key before she had a fair trial.

Yet the police found significant evidence that Claire may have been involved in her son's death, but she was just to hobnob with the snobs in the hierarchy. Of course, no one knew the ugly truth: she'd never even seen the inside of the police station. Everything the public had seen was all for show. Claire Hotchkiss had the entire town in her pocket. Alison had caught on to that fact the second she met her. She also knew that it was possible that Claire knew the answers to what had happened to Emily and her girls.

I am going to go vigilante on her ass. Alison glared angrily at the screen. I'm going to make her wish she WAS behind bars...

The news reporter continued,

"Hotchkiss maintains her innocence..."


"...though she can't be reached directly for comment. A representative for Mrs. Hotchkiss says that she is trying to stay out of the spotlight. It's believed that she isn't staying at her estate, but rather at a more private residence..."

"Alison, what are you watching?" Spencer squawked in her ear from 3000 miles away.

Alison pulled the phone away from her ear, having momentarily forgotten that Spencer had called her. She barely remembered picking up the phone. In fact, after Mona had gone to comb the cabin where she'd found Emily's ring Alison had been on autopilot.

The first thing she'd done was call the Rosewood police department. She thought maybe if she pumped the right person for information she could find out more about the burned out car. It made her sick to her stomach to think that the body could be Emily. She'd put a call in to Barry Maple. He'd been a friend of Emily's family for years. She'd chosen her words carefully, telling him that it was urgent, but in the message she told him it was about an academic matter. She didn't want to tip off anyone who might be listening.

"Ali, are you still there?" Spencer questioned. "Caitlin Park-Lewis?"

Alison finally muted the television.

"What about her?"

"Are you paying attention to anything I've been saying?" Spencer sounded annoyed. "She applied for an internship with my mom's campaign. She listed you as a reference."

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