Law and Order

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A/N: *foregoes cute little "peeking out from under rock" comment to say that I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe during this pandemic*

I know it's been eons and eons. This story fell by the wayside when the fandom heated up and people started fighting after the cancellation. There aren't that many chapters left, so I *should* finish it before the next decade rolls around. *insert winking emoji*

Previously on "The Heart of Beacon Heights": Alison moves across the country for a teaching job in Oregon. Mona is there. There is pie. I don't know why there is pie. Some stuff happens. Dana Booker is all mad. Claire Hotchkiss is suspicious AF. Emily disappears. Alison loses her mind. Taylor is alive *dramatic gasp*. Emily's car gets all burned out. A body is involved. Creepy 'A' message makes cameo. Dylan is mopey. Caitlin says something smart. Ava gets into a bar fight. Emily has been watching her bae's back from the shadows. Claire Hotchkiss is a survivor (she not gonna give up, she will survive, keep on survivin...). Alison stabs Emily (aww, young love). Mona says something snarky. Alison says something bitchy. More stuff happens. Perfectionists being framed with some of Nolan's trinkets. Killer is in the woods. Taylor and Claire tell Mona and Alison to butt out. They gon' kill a bitch. Alison and Mona bond in a sewer over "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". They are having a good time until Dana Booker finds them. Damn that Dana Booker.

We all caught up? Good. If not, there are 9 previous chapters you can look at for reference. Everything in the world is cancelled. What else do you have to do?


Chapter 10:

Law and Order

Alison stared at Booker.

Dana Fucking Booker. Alison had decided that Dana could have no other middle name, because Fucking just fit her perfectly. That's what she did. She got her jollies off by fucking with everyone in town.

Mona noticed Alison giving Dana a nasty look. The short brunette reached out and pinched Alison. Alison turned and glared at Mona. Mona shook her head. It was not the best time to mess with the officer.

Alison peered at the little red mark where Mona had pinched her and she reached over and did the same to Mona's arm.

The look Mona shot Alison screamed, "Real Mature, Ali."

Alison looked at the officer again, who was awaiting an answer. How the hell were they supposed to explain why they were emerging from the sewers in the middle of the day? They certainly couldn't tell her that Claire and Taylor were in an underground bunker plotting to murder the person running around in the woods.

"Well, ladies, what will it be?" Dana asked. She peered towards the sewer. "Unless, of course, you're about to tell me you're friends with a bunch of crime fighting turtles."

Mona tried to hold in her laugh, but failed. Alison glared at her.

"Sorry." Mona chuckled.

"Something funny, Miss Vanderwaal?" Dana asked.

"No." Mona was able to change her attitude with the flip of a switch. She glanced at Alison and mouthed "Donadello".

"Perhaps I should take a look around down there myself." Dana motioned behind Alison and Mona.

"I'm sorry, what law have we broken?" Mona fired back.

"I don't think you're in any position to be asking the questions here." Dana took a step towards the sewer.

Alison and Mona looked at one another helplessly, trying to come up with something to stop her. It's not like they could knock her over the head and tie her up somewhere. At least not in broad daylight.

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