The Perfect Storm

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A/N: S'up PLL, fam? I know what you're thinking, "God, THIS chick with ANOTHER Emison fic?" You're probably sick of me by now. You can thank my friends for continuously whispering sweet Emison nothings in my ears and begging for more content.

Actually, the truth is, initially I wasn't going to post this fic. I started this short story before "The Perfectionists" aired with the idea that I'd work with my own version of Emison's story and fill in the major plot points as the show went on. But as much as I tried (and as much as I really want to) I am having a lot of trouble getting into the show (I really REALLY want to support Sasha and Janel, and I'm a huge fan of Sofia and Sydney, and Eli seems like an awesome dude, but it's not clicking for me like I want it to, so I've only seen the Pilot and a few minutes of episode 2). That leaves it virtually wide open in terms of what's going on in Beacon Heights. When I wrote this I had my own idea from the previews and promos of how I thought shit was going to go down. It was all pure speculation when I was writing this.

I was also hesitant to post because I figured that many other writers were going to be tackling this and the last thing I wanted to do was write something that's already being told in an original way or step on anyone's toes. But I have had A LOT of people requesting my take on Emison in PLL: TP and since I already have a semi-complete story I thought I'd share. It's not all rainbows and unicorns, but I ultimately believe in Happily Ever After...most days, at least.

It's raw and unedited. I also have "In Her Eyes" going and am working on the editing process for my AU Dark Emison story as well. So updates on this fic are going to be sporadic. And more than likely slow and short. It may end up just being a few one-shots. I haven't decided yet. But I do have an end written. Rating may change later.



"I feel like I'm losing you, Ali."

"I have to do this, Emily."


Chapter 1:

The Perfect Storm

The sweat on her palm was making it difficult for her to hold the phone. Even harder was looking back at her wife's face on the screen. The brunette had a sullen look on her face, eyes tired and worn from a long day of trying to comfort their daughters, who missed their mother.

Alison hadn't been as communicative the past few days, and Emily was starting to worry that something was wrong. Of course something was wrong. Alison had picked up to move all the way across the country. And they had two small children who didn't understand why now they could only see mommy through fractured images on a screen instead of having her there to read bedtime stories in their room with their other mom.

Alison had been talking about wanting to get her Master's Degree for a while, so when she got a job alert for an opening at a prestigious college in a small town on the west coast she was intrigued. It seemed to be everything she'd been wanting and more. The strange thing was...she hadn't signed up for job alerts in that particular area.

Still, it seemed like a great opportunity. She read up on Beacon Heights University and went through the benefits package. It offered a lot more than she'd seen at other universities. It also offered her a chance to be somewhere where no one knew her as the girl who came back from the dead. The girl who was nearly killed by her own sister. The girl who was tortured by her own husband. A girl who skirted murder charges more than once. It offered her a fresh start. New faces. A new her.

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