Game of Dares

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Gemma P.O.V

I spend way too long getting ready with the girls. I feel like I've applied, fixed, and removed my eyeliner 300 times by the time I feel even slightly sexy. The ironic thing is how similar this feels to the COVID lockdown. I'm getting dulled up to go where? The garden.

As I put on my silver mini dress and straighten my hair, I get the low down of each relationship so far. Shannon and Aaron are vibing on a friends level. Sharon likes Hugo, but he's a little too soft and nice. Kaz and Toby are also going strong with the flanter.

"How are you and Brad?" Kaz asks Faye whilst curling her lashes.

"Good. He's a fit lad and all. But like, when we chat, I feel like I get into a conversation with him, and then come out more confused than I started."

The villa is even more incredible in the dark. The area is lit up with lanterns and what looks like thousands of fairy lights. The night starts with a toast to an amazing summer. The islanders and I neck down our champagne flutes, desperate to take the edge off our nerves. We then all join the dance floor and pull out our sexiest moves to some classic teen hits. I'm dancing with Sharon and Kaz, whilst Faye and Shannon are making early eyes at all of the boys, deciding which to pull for a chat.

Kaz, Faye, Brad, Hugo and I take a seat on the swinging bench, chatting about anything and everything. My head feels light and tingly and on the edge of tipsy. I always get bubble drunk. You'd think 3 years at uni would make you a master at drinking, but two drinks will do me in (especially pornstar martinis).

I'm trying my hardest to pay attention to Hugo's story about a funny PE cricket class he was teaching, but every time I look up towards him, my eyes fall onto Brad's body. He notices a couple of times and we pretend that we didn't make eye contact. I stare at the peach liquid in the bottom of my champagne flute whilst trying to hide my cherry cheeks.

Suddenly, his northern accent cuts through the air. "You fancy testing out those beanbags? They look hella comfy ye know."

I expect he's talking to Sharon or Kaz. But when there's a silence and I look up from the glass, I realise he's actually talking to me.

Is this his way of pulling me for a chat?

Brad and I leave the cluster of islanders and step over beside the pool. I've watched him pull both Faye and Kaz for chats today, so I must be next on his list. "How are ya then?" Brad has the most piercing baby blue's I've ever met eyes with. "How are ya keeping?"

"Yeah, I'm doing well. Jake and I are getting on okay, but I haven't really spoken to anyone else properly."

"That's why I thought I'd pull yas for a chat. Like, I've been seeing yous around. You seem proper bubbly and that. I like that in a las. Faye and I are good, and she's a pretty gal and all. But like, all the gals are stunning."

"Aww, thank you." I blush, although it wasn't the strongest of compliments. "So, tell me about yourself then. You're from the north I'm guessing."

He chuckles softly. "So I look after my nanna, but I work as a labourer at the moment," Brad smirks. He's dressed up cutely in some black jeans and a smart shirt - even a simple outfit he pulls off flawlessly. "What about you? Do you model?"

"... No."

I watch Brad retreat. All that natural confidence is wiped away. "Ah, crap." He chuckles. Although he's embarrassed, it's downright adorable.

"I love the compliment though!"

Brad and I are quickly pulled away from our chat to congregate around the firepit. I take a seat between Faye and Hugo. Each islander starts a convo with another - there's such an echo of laughter and accents that I try and tune in and out of different conversations. It's only when my partner turns up with a 'box of dares' that the tornado of voices falls silent.

"You wanna go first, Gemma?" Jake ushers me up out of my seat. "I mean, I'm already stood up."

All the girls hype me up to go first. I stand up, straighten out my dress, place my drink down, and stumble over to Jake. My hand reaches into the box and feels around the laminated cards, finally fishing one out.

"You and your partner must perform a sexy dance for 30 seconds." My gut flips upside down. "I can't do a sexy dance!"

Before I can comprehend the situation or even think of any sort of sexy dance move, Jakes' arms have wrapped around my waist. He uses one arm to hold my hips and the other to force my head down, getting us into the doggy position. He grinds up against me. It's a bit upfront for my liking, so thank god I've had a couple of glasses.

After our 30 seconds have ended, we return to our seats, and Faye and Brad are next to go.

"You must snog for 30 seconds." Faye reads.

Faye does not hold back. She grabs Brad by the collar and pulls his body in close, placing her full lips on his. Brad's arms wrap at her waist, holding her close, as their lips run over one another's. The kiss is deep and passionate, tongues wagging over one another's. They look lost in each other. Although it's awkward as hell to watch, their kiss is turning me on. You can tell that they're both good kissers from the get-go.

"Okay, that's 30 seconds!" Toby times.

The game continues. Toby has to suck Kaz's toes and Jake weirdly records and asks about the taste. If he asks to see my feet at any point, then he will get a very abrupt 'no'. Sharon then kisses Hugo's ear lobe seductively, coating the side of his face in deep red lipstick. Finally, Shannon and Aaron twerk for a minute ... kind of.

After the challenge has ended, conversation reignites. Jake and Toby are high on life, bouncing off one another and giggling like school children. Faye looks undeniably happy with herself, whilst Brad has fallen quiet. He looks a little uncomfortable. I'm tempted to sit next to him and ask if he's okay, but in front of everyone, it would look like I'm making a move. Shannon and Sharon are mouthing words to each other, gesturing over to the kitchen to grab a drink. As they go to stand up, there's a faint bleeping noise.

A text.

"That was yours, Toby." I point to his pocket. "What does it say?"

Toby pulls his phone out. Everyone's eyes are burning into him intensely, desperate to find out the next big twist in our story. This is what Love Island is famous for - texts that stir up the whole villa. Is there a challenge? It's way too early for a recoupling.

"I have a voice note from someone called ... Chloe."

"SSHH everyone!" Kaz tries to hush everybody like a teacher hushing a reception class. When all we can hear is chirping crickets, Toby plays the voice note.

Outplays the most feminine, soft, babe station accent I've ever heard.

"Hey boys. Chloe here. I'm outside of the villa right now, and I want to meet you all. I'm taking one of you out on a date ... but the boys can choose who wants to join me. See you soon."

Ah, crap. Another new girl already.

* * * * *

Who do you think will go and date Chloe? Xx

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