Surprise Dates & Surprise Dumping's

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Hugo P.O.V

As I'm making up two coffee's for Gemma and me, a text arrives.

"Oh shit. I've got a text." I tell Toby and Chloe. They're cuddling the other side of the kitchen island. I'm glad they're into one another, but PDA before breakfast turns my stomach.

"It's a bit early for a text, isn't it?"

"I would have thought so." I shrug. "Let me see what it says."

I swipe up on the notification.

"Hugo and Gemma, it's time for your first date. Please get ready to leave the villa. #lessoninlove #breakfastwithanoceanview."

"Awwwww," Chloe coos. "You should make it a surprise!"

"Yeah!" Toby encourages. "You should surprise her."

"That's a really good idea."

Chloe, Toby and I concoct a little plan. Chloe will inform the rest of the girls about the date and get Gemma all dressed up for a 'fancy photo shoot'. Whilst they're getting ready, I'll find my nicest outfit and then guide her out of the villa once we're sorted.

"She's still in bed at the moment. Go take her her coffee and start getting her ready. I need her out of the bedroom so I can get myself together."

"On it!" Chloe squeals.

Gemma P.O.V

I sit alone in the bedroom with Jake, trying to grill him about any possible feelings he may have towards Sharon. After Sharon hinted at his beautiful body, I would love to know if there are any mutual feelings.

"She's a sound girl but I think it's platonic friends. I have changed what I'm looking for though."

"Okay, so-,"

"Hi!" Our conversation is cut short by Chloe. She walks into the bedroom with my coffee in hand, beaming from ear to ear. "Here is your coffee. Hugo asked me to deliver it."

"Stunning." I take the mug from her.

"Where are the rest of the girls?"

"All up in the dressing room getting ready."

"Ah, okay." She nods. "I'm gonna go see them real quick and then I'll be back down."

Chloe disappears upstairs. I sip down my coffee whilst interviewing Jake a little further. He doesn't answer many of my questions - just asks which pair of swimming trunks would look best on his ass.

"Hello, beautiful!" Sharon and Kaz gush. They burst into the bedroom with a weird spring in their step. "You want to do something fun, Gem?"


"Fancy a cute little photoshoot?"

"We had a bikini shoot a couple of days ago?"

"Okay, so why not like ..."

"Like a summer clothes shoot? We need some nice pictures together!" Kaz finishes. "Come on. It'll be fun."

"Why not." I smile. There are some cute tops I want to try with some new shorts I got. "After breakfast?"

"I'll cook some breakfast for you girls," Jake suggests. "Go and get all glammed up."

Kaz, Sharon and I run upstairs. All the girls seem to be up for photos. Faye is lining our makeup bags whilst Millie has a curling wand in hand. "We'll get you ready first, Gemma."


Although the girls are acting a little strange, I roll with it. After brushing my teeth, Faye applies my makeup, patting on a light layer of foundation, concealer and powder. She brushes some bronzer to my face and highlights my cheeks. It's a very natural look, but more makeup than I would usually wear. As she does so, Millie curls my hair into beachy waves and then braids my hair at its roots, keeping my hair off my face.

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