I can't forgive you

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Previously: 'Is that US!'

Now: 'you thinking what I'm thinking?' Thought Oikawa as he looked at Iwa who just nodded. "Yeah I really miss them. I mean they were my best friends." He said as he looked down sadly. "Hey princess, how've you been?" Asked Iwa as he looked at Hinata. "Wait how do you know that nickname?" Asked Hinata as he looked at Iwaizumi with a questioning look. "Well it's us, and we missed you too..." said Oikawa as he looked at Hinata lovingly. However when they all looked at Hinata all they saw was a look or loathe and betray. "Do you two know how much I've been through all because you left?!" He yelled as he stood up and looked the two in the eye. "We're sorry, we didn't know we would be moving to a school so far away." Said Iwaizumi as Oikawa sat there silently. "Me and Caleb's relationship fell apart because of the two of you! He would constantly say it was my fault you both left, that no even cared about me and I should have been the one to move!" He yelled as tears started to pool in his eyes. They would never understand the amount of pain Caleb caused him after they left. The others didn't know what to say. Kageyama just glared at the two. How could they do this to his best friend. "Wait, didn't he say that you guys were going to get married?" Asked Tsukishima, curious as to how that would have worked. "We were supposed to. People say that your wedding day is one of the happiest days of your life. Mine was probably one of the worst." He said crying as he sat on Kageyama's lap and hugged him. They did this often when Hinata had a breakdown. Kageyama was at the wedding he would never forget the absolute pain Hinata went through that day. He was even there to help pick out his wedding dress. "What happened?" Asked Kuroo cautiously not wanting to make it worse. "He was so excited. Even though they fought a lot he thought they could still work it out. I remember helping him get ready. Lev and I walked him down the aisle. But Caleb wasn't there. Hinata stood there for god knows how long till we decided to go look for him. We found him cheating with another girls from the wedding. When he saw us he didn't even have a look of slight remorse. He didn't even care. He just walked away and never came back." Kageyama said quietly. He was outraged that someone would have the nerve to even think about cheating on Hinata. Especially on their wedding day. "Hinata look absolutely perfect. He wore this beautiful orange dress and I helped him do his makeup. All that happiness and excitement faded when there was not one there waiting." Kages said as he pulled up a picture on the tv.

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(It's a mix of the two

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(It's a mix of the two. It's the same style as the last one but the color and butterfly's of the first one.)

The others looked at the tv in awe. He looked stunning. They felt horrible, he obviously was happy and really tried his best to hold it together. "Ok but like are you two a thing now?" Asked Atsumu pointedly at Kageyama and Hinata. "What?! No we're about to be brothers in law!" Said Kageyama with a look of shock and somewhat disgust. Sure he loved Hinata but as a brother, he would never date him. "Wait how?" Asked Ennoshita. "My older brother and his older brother are engaged." Said Hinata happily as he wiped his tears. He was happy his brother finally moved on from his ex. He had commit suicide and his brother blamed himself. It was a petty argument but it greatly effected the both of them. Now he moved on and he's happily in a band with his fiancé and his friends. "Oh you mean Uenoyama and Mafuyu right?" Said Tsukishima remembering meeting them once or twice. "Yeah, let's hope they work out cause our family doesn't seem to have the best luck with love." Said Hinata sadly. "I mean His first love took his own life over some silly argument., Aslan's fiancé was murdered, and mine left me alone at the alter." He said as he looked down sadly. Was it so hard for his family to get a happily ever after? "Wait you said your brothers name was mafuyu right? What was the name of his first love?" Asked Osamu out of no where. "His name was Yuki Yoshida, why?" He replied confused. "That's our older brother! Our mom told us about him, he had died when we were about 4 or 5 so we didn't really remember him. He was a singer for a band wasn't he?" Said Atsumu in pure astonishment. Most of the players seem to be connected to each other more than they thought. "Yeah... apparently as he got more into music and stuff he had less time for my brother. They had a fight, he said he would do anything for my brother and the Mafuyu said 'then would you die for me!' and when he went to talk it out with him. He found him hanging from the fan in their room..." Said Hinata shocked. He never would have guessed he would see any of Yuki's relatives again but it turns out he's been playing against the for awhile now. "He actually left a video for your brother at our house. We never looked at it but we kept it with us as a memory of him." Said Osamu as he handed him a cd. He put it in the tv and it started playing. It was a song made with the tune Mafuyu always hummed. It brought Hinata to tears as he looked at the video. He sung "my sole relief, my sun, my stars. Our story's been incased in frost. It's not your fault I didn't stay! I knew it had to end someday! So carry on, I know you can. Keep shouting out, I'm listening! And I live on through you..." The three of them were sobbing at this point. "You know Mafuyu wrote a song for Yuki too." He said through sniffles as he played it on the tv.

Everyone was in tears. They could see just the raw emotion behind those words and how much it must have hurt. "I'm happy he finally moved on. I know he loved Yuki and I know Yuki loved him but I'm sure they'll see each other in the afterlife. Just like Aslan will see eiji and shorter again too. Mafuyu always said he wanted someone to understand. To realize how how are and pain full it is, to want to scream and cry but not be able to express it. All he can ever say is 'I can't forgive you."

To be continued~

Sup it's killing_stalking here! Finally got another chapter out. Hope y'all like it!:) also if you have any suggestions or requests for either what could happen later in this story or plots for different stories leave them in the comments! Have a great day or night loves :)

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