Getting to know eachother and someone unknown

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(I'm just going to note that I'm going to change what happened in past chapters ever so slightly. So I'm going to add other teams like Date tech, Fukurōdani, Shiritorizawa, and other schools like that. However I don't know all the characters on those teams very well so the one I will note mostly will be like Bokuto and Akashi or Aone and Koganegawa (idk if I spelt that right) that's why I didn't put those teams two teams in originally. I didn't put Shiratorizawa in because I hadn't watched season three yet when I had started this story so now that I've seen it I'm adding them in. So I will only say certain characters names but know that their whole team is there. ( Idk if that made any sense, sorry if it didn't)  NOW On To The chapter!)

It was the next morning and the others groggily got up. When they did they smelt something coming frown the kitchen and followed it to see Hinata in the kitchen cooking breakfast for them all. They all watched as he hummed and dance around as he cooked. However Lev decided to scare Hinata so he walked up behind him and grabbed him by the shoulders yelling. "Booo!" As Hinata screamed in surprise. Some laughed, while others tried to hold it in. Hinata then proceeded to throw flower at the boy and hit him on the arm repeatedly as he proceeded to laugh. " I'm glad he's happier now." Said Yuri forgetting the others were there. "Yeah, he seems to be having fun." Said Victor. "What do you mean? Why wasn't he happy before?" Asked Akaashi confused. "Oh nothing! Forget I ever said anything!" Said yuri franticly as he waved his hands around making the other suspicious. However they let it go. They watched as Hinata set the table and put the food out as the others started to find their seats. "So what's the plan for today?" Asked coach Washijo (idk if I spelt his name right. He's the coach for Shiritorizawa)
"Well we where thinking we could get to know each other more. It will let us know what you're like so we can help you with choreography." Said Victor. "Yeah maybe show us some videos and memories. It might even help you all get to know each other better to!" Said Yuri enthusiastically. "Sure that's a good idea." Said Ukai as they all started to finish their food. They headed over to the main room so they can watch the videos on the tv. "So who's first?" Asked Yuri standing by the tv to connect the phones to it. "How about Karasuno, we should know some more about our sons team." Said Victor. "Yeah but what about your other biological son right here?" Said Lev gesturing to himself. "Eh, we'll do your team next." Said Victor while the others laughed clearly seeing who the favorite was and Lev just pouting next to Yaku. "Shouyou give me your phone." Said Yuri as he found the plug to connect the phone to the tv. The first video they watched was.

Wow sweetie, your team senses to have come a long way from the beginning." Said Yuri with a smile. "Yeah your still better than the spon of these two losers." Said Yurio pointing to Lev. "You all have done great and I'm proud to be your coach." Said Ukai as he thought back to all the fond memories he has with this team. "We'll look at one more of Shouyou's team then we'll look at Lev's." Said Victor as he played the next one.

Wow so Tsukki dude did have his moment. I told you it'll get you hooked!" Said Bokuto happily. "Yeah whatever it's still just a game..." said Tsukishima looking down not wanting to admit he had fun. Just as yuri was a bout to play the video of Nekoma a little boy walked out of the room next to Hinata's.
(He looked like this, he looked like the boy on the top but his hair and eye color matches the bottoms pic.)


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"Daddy...?" The little boy said. "Hey baby, did you sleep well?" Shouyou asked as he picked up the little boy, giving him a kiss on the head. The others just sat there shocked. Who was this kid and why did he call Hinata daddy? "Why are all these people here?" the young boy asked groggily. "These are my friends from volleyball, and look great uncle Takeda is here too." He said as he pointed to Takeda sitting on the couch with the others. "Uncle Takeda!" He said running over to him and jumping in his lap. "Uncle?" Ukai asked confused. How was Takeda related to this little boy and why did he call Hinata dad. "Oh I didn't tell you? I'm Yuri's brother." Said Takeda scratching the nape of his neck embarrassed. "So does that mean he's Yuri and Victors kid?" Asked Goshiki confused. "No he's mine" said Hinata as the others just got mote confused. "What do you mean he's yours. You're to young to have a kid, did you adopted cause if you did that is very irresponsible." Said Suga going into mama mode. Hinata looked at the ground and mumbled so quiet they barley heard him say "I don't want to talk about it..." Hinata walked over pick up his kid and sat next to Takeda and Oikawa. The others just sat there trying to process till Iwaizumi finally said "can I hold him?" Which was kind of a surprise cause no one really took him for someone that likes kids. "Sure, honey why don't you say hi to everyone." Said Hinata as he put the kid down. He walked over to in front of the tv and said "Hi my name is Hiroto (meaning soar or fly in Japanese) I'm 4 years old and I want to be just like daddy when I grow up!" Hiroto ( sometimes I may say Hiro for short) said happily as he walked over to Iwa with a smile. "Hey buddy. why do you want to be like your dad when you grow up?" Iwa asked with a smile. "Daddy is super cool and smart and he can fly really high." Hiro said spreading his arms up to the sky. "Oh really cause your daddy can't figure out 12 x 4." Said Tsukishima sassily . "Nu uh my daddy has straight A's on all his tests." Said Hiro shaking his head. "What are you talking about Ginger can't get higher than a 15 on any of his tests?" Asked Ukai thinking back to when he needed to pass them to go to Nekoma's training camp. "Oh actually it turns out I can actually do good on tests if I'm in a room alone with a teacher and I just tell them the answer. They said it had something to do with when I need to write it on paper so Takeda and my other teachers just ask me the questions privately." Said Hinata remembering what his teachers told him. "Is that why you always leave while we take tests?" Asked Kageyama curiously. "Yeah and now I do way better." Said Hinata happy that he was able to sort things out. Hiro looked down and saw a scar on Oikawa's knee from when he hurt it. "You have a scar, that must mean your strong!" Said Hiro as he pointed to Oikawa's knee. "Oh yeah?" Oikawa asked looking at the young boy. "Yeah daddy said people with scars are the strong ones. That means daddy's really strong cause he has a lot!" Said Hiro not realizing how what he just said was going to cause more problems for Hinata later. Just as they were going to ask what he meant when he said Hinata had a lot of scars the door opened to....

(Sorry for the cliffhanger also sorry for not updating. I've been sick and busy with school work but I'll try to update faster. I hope you all are saying safe during these times.Also let me know if you want a face reveal, if you have any questions leave them in the comments and I'll answer best I can. Have a good day/night! :)

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