I'm sorry.....I'm so, so sorry....

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Recap: Just as they were about to ask what he meant when he said Hinata had a lot of scars the door opened to...

A boy who looked to be at least 18-19 years old. Who was he, and why did he just walk into the house with out even knocking?
(He looks like this)

"Honey, your finally home!" Exclaimed Hinata happily as Hiro ran over to the man and hugged his leg

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"Honey, your finally home!" Exclaimed Hinata happily as Hiro ran over to the man and hugged his leg. "Papa's finally back!" Hiro yelled. After that people started to connect the dots. Hinata walked over and kissed his cheek as the others just started in shock. They where even more shocked when the man shoved Hinata off him and yelled " don't touch me you stupid bitch!" Hinata slam against the wall with a thud the others just watched in horror as it all went down. "Please don't do this again! Please don't just come back and leave again... Hiro needs a good father..." said Hinata with sad eyes as he stared at the man he once loved. No this wasn't the person he fell in love with, this is a empty shell of the person he once knew. "Ha, I don't want to be that things father. He's a mistake that you should have got rid of years ago." Said the man as he started down at his son with eyes that held a hateful loath. "Why didn't you just get an abortion? He is a worthless child that should be dead!" He yelled as he raised a hand to hit his own flesh and blood. However when the hand came in contact with something it wasn't Hiro, it was Hinata. He had got up and ran to shield his child from the hit and took the blow for him. He then took many more as the man started to hit and kick at him more and more while yelling "mistakes your both mistakes, why won't you just let me get rid of the thing we should have killed ages ago?!" As he yelled and screamed Hinata began to tear up listening to what he was saying about his child, his perfect beautiful child that he would die for. "Because! I kept him because no matter what he was like, wether he like volleyball and skating like me, if he wanted to be in a band like you, or if he just wanted to be a normal kid I knew he was going to be great. I knew he was going to be perfect because he was mine and no matter what he does I will always be there for him..." Hinata said as he cried looking up at this horrible, horrible man that was sadly the father of his kid. With one last blow to the head the man walked out saying "you are both worthless, I don't know why I asked you of all people to marry me all those years ago." And with that he was gone...  Hinata sat there, crying as he hugged his precious child. He continued to quietly repeat the words "I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry..." The others sat there trying to process what they just saw. Once Yurio recovered from his shock he started to stomp over to the door till Beka grabbed him. "Yura, I know you're mad but this isn't going to help the situation." He said hugging him to try and calm the raging cat. "Daddy, am I a mistake?" Asked Hiro looking up to his dad sadly. "Honey of course not. I love you with all my heart, I don't know what I'd do without you.  I'm so sorry he made you think that." With that he continued to repeat I'm sorry until he finally passed out from crying. "Daddy? Daddy!" Hiro started to shake Hinata as he lied limp on the floor. "Grandpa daddy isn't waking up!" Hiro cried as he looked up to Victor. Victor slowly walked over to him as he crouched down next to Hiro checking Hinata's pulse. "He's ok, he just passed out let him sleep and he'll be fine." Said Victor as he picked him up and carried him to his room. The others finally recovered from the shock until Kenma realized something. "Why did he say Shouyou should have gotten an abortion? I thought he adopted Hiroto." He asked more to himself than anyone in particular. However Yuri answered "Hinata was born with a defect, he was born with a womb so he is able to conceive. Hiro was born because Shouyou was... he was rapped, by the man you just saw... he chose to keep Hiro cause he knew he was a living breathing human and he didn't want to take someone else's life. (He's already taken to many)" Yuri said (mumbling the last part so no one heard)sadly thinking about all the pain Hinata must have gone through. I mean he was forced to give birth alone with no one. Victor and Yuri where in another country when it happened so the only one there was Lev who freaked out called 911 and sat in the room with him to hold his hand as he gave birth to Hiro. "Wow, I cant believe he went though all that..." said Akaashi sadly. "Our poor Kohuai!" Yelled Tanaka and Noya as they hugged each other. "I know this probably isn't the best time to say this, but thank you all for being there for him. Life has never been easy for him and believe it or not but he's never been great with making friends." Said Yuri with a smile, thankful for all the people that helped his son grow and reach his dream. "Yes he has come a long way because of you all. You've all helped him get better at volleyball and I'm grateful for that, you all have no idea how much it means to him."Said Takeda proud of his nephew for coming this far. "Sorry if this is to personal but what happened to Hinata's biological family?" Asked Ukai as he remembered them saying they adopted him. "Well his father is dead. He was a NCIS agent, he wasn't home much but sho didn't mind. He knew his father was busy and his job was important. He was a great man and the reason we met Sho. He died on the job do to an accident. His mother is back in America. She was a horrid woman, she was abusive both mentally and physically. Shouyou will forever have scars because of her. He has three biological brothers. One lives in America, one lives here in Japan, and one passed away." Said Victor sadly thinking about Hinita's father who was his best friend. They thought of each other as family and they loved each other like brothers. "Why is his brother in America and not here?" Asked Suga out of curiosity. "Have you guys ever heard of the criminal Aslan Jade or better known as Ash lynx and his older brother griffin?" Asked Yurio. They all shook their head aside from Tsukishima being the smart person he was. " isn't he the 18 year old gang leader who was put in jail multiple times for murder?" He asked as he thought back to a news reporter he saw. "Correct, those are his brothers. Ash was let out about a year ago and griff died about two years ago. I know it was wrong for him to kill but he had his reasons. Deep down he's a good person. Hinata grew up the same way, he was part of his brothers gang. They did what they had to do to survive." Said Yuri as he thought about everything that those brothers have been through. "We visit him when ever we go to New York, him and Hinata always get into trouble." Said Victor remembering what happened last time they where there. "You can't imagine the amount of friends he saw get killed before his eyes. Wether it was murder or suicide. Let me show you just what he's been through." Said Takeda. He found some of the old videos he had that where caught on severity cameras. (Banana fish spoilers ahead. Watch at your own risk. Also Hinata is with Ash and Max he was blamed for Marvins murder just like ash)

They all watched in horror as the two brothers got beat up. How ever they where surprised to see how well the two knew how to fight. "What's with all these people coming up to flirt with them?" Asked Kenma concerned for his best friend. "There whole life the two of them have been victims of rape and sexual harassment because they looked girly. Any time they tried to get the person arrested they where accused for seducing them. The people never got in trouble." Said Victor sadly. As the others faces shifted from sadness to horror.
"They murdered so many people at such a young age." Said Takeda as he played another video.

"Who were those three?" Asked Kageyama. "The youngest one was Skipper, Ash and Sho treated him like a little brother. The one with the black hair is Eiji, he was Ashes fiancé until he was killed. Lastly the one with the purple hair is Shorter, he was ashes best friend and Hinata saw him as an older brother. However this happened..." said Yuri as another video showed on the screen.
(Hinata's tied up with Ibe and Max$

"Why would he shoot his best friend?!" Yelled Goshiki in horror. "Because he had to.."whispered Hiro sadly remembering everything his dad had told him about his uncles. "Let's not go into the details but it was necessary." Said Yurio sadly. "That's why we moved here to get him away from all the violence. It's not good for his mental health." Said Victor. " he wasn't always a volleyball freak he used to play another sport." Said yuri. "What was it?" Asked Tanaka surprised that Hinata like something other than volleyball. "It was..."

Hey y'all! Sorry for not updating I haven't been to motivated to write but now I have some good ideas for future chapters. I made this chapter longer to make up for it. I'll try to update more. Also sorry for all the crossovers and there will be more in the future. If you were paying attention you would have noticed I said Hinata had three brothers but I only mentioned two. Who do you think the third one is if it's supposed to be a twin. It's going to be another crossover so he's from another anime? Put your guesses in the comments. Also what other sport do you think I'm going to have Hinata play? That's all for now, see you in the next chapter! :)


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