Day 2: Things must go down

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One thing that Bakugou never thought he would buy was a step stool.

He overheard Mina talking about how she used one so she could change the light in her dorm. Bakugou knew that if she was able to reach the light then that meant for sure that he could reach many things.

So Bakugou went online and ordered a simple step stool. It was nothing fancy. Just a plain white stool that was four inches off the ground.

“Alright,” Bakugou says as he clicks the order button. He grins as he reads when it would arrive.

Fast shipping is always the best.

Few hours later it was finally at the dorm. He got funny looks as he carried the large box to his dorm room but a few weird looks is worth it to reach stuff.

Throughout his day he didn't use it. It wasn't until he went into the dorm kitchen and saw a mug, one used more than anyone else, up on the very top of the cabinet.

It was the perfect opportunity to use his new step stool. So he did.

Bakugou went right back up to his room to grab the step stool before coming back down into the kitchen.

Everything had been going well until he heard an idiot gasp.

“Dude!” Sero shouts from behind Bakugou who is currently standing on his step stool reaching for something important.

A mug is what he's trying to grab. Midoriya is definitely the one who had put it up there. He just knew it had to have been the nerd.

Bakugou glances over at Sero with a frown on his face. “What?” he asks, confused.

“A step stool?” Sero asks while looking down the step stool with wide eyes.

He is in awe at how the step stool is being used by someone who thinks so highly of themselves.

Bakugou's unimpressed. Glad to know Sero can see.

“What the fuck else do you want me to fucking do?” Bakugou grumbles as he snatches the mug from the top of the cabinet.

Bakugou realizes the mistake he made after he said it. He just Sero the perfect opportunity to say something stupid.

“Uh, be tall?” Sero says, grinning at the blonde. He really loves pissing off Bakugou.

“Fuck you!” Bakugou shouts while pointing a threatening finger in Sero's direction.

It's never fun making fun of someone alone. So, Sero does what he always does. Calls for backup.

“Kaminari!” Sero calls for his best friend.

Bakugou glares, “Don’t call that fucker in here,” he mutters threateningly.

Then of course, the boy Bakugou seriously didn't want to see comes running into the kitchen.

Kaminari comes to a sudden stop when he looks at Bakugou. A grin then spreads across his face.

“Holy shit Bakubro!” Kaminari says grinning.

Bakugou seriously wishes he could have just grown taller.

“Don’t say it,” Bakugou growls in anger.

Kaminari never listened to Bakugou. Why should he listen now?

“A step stool? Whoa you really are short!” Kaminari says, smiling. Sero of course is next to his side smiling also.

Bakugou doesn't pick a fight this time. Instead he gets off the step stool, grabs it, and then goes back up to his room frowning.

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