Day 4: Shitty Hair loser must DIE

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There was one thing that Bakugou was growing to hate more as the days passed. That thing was being looked down on. Sure he could just punch the shit out of people so that they would have to look at him from the floor but even for him that was a little fucked up.

Bakugou did what any other guy would do, ignore the fuck out of those comments about his height. At first he did slip up a bit and cursed the shit out of his classmates. Kaminari was the only guy that he had punched so far during the day. Sero almost became second but Bakugou reminded himself that he shouldn't show any emotions when someone made those comments, they only wanted a reaction out of him.

So far his day had gone okay, most people worried a little at how quiet he had been. Fuck them though, Bakugou knew what he wanted, no more shitty comments.

As soon as he gets back to the dorms he goes straight into his dorm. His plan was to study and finish up some work that was due in a week or so, but that was soon ruined as soon as he heard a very loud knock.

It had to have been Kirishima.

“The fuck do you want shitty hair,” Bakugou asks as he pulls open his door. He frowns at the tall red-haired boy.

“Oh nothing,” Kirishima eyes Bakugou's hold on the door. Trying to see how strong it is.

“Nothing my fucking ass, go away,” Bakugou mutters with a frown.

Kirishima grins before shoving his way past Bakugou. “No can do Blasty,” he says as he steps into Bakugou's room.

“The fuck?” Bakugou's shocked that Kirishima has the nerve to do that. "Get out!" He yells at Kirishima.

"Come on, you've been all quiet all day," Kirishima isn't worried but a quiet Bakugou isn't good. He misses his loud and angry Bakugou.

"Why the hell do you care?" Bakugou asks, a frown on his face as he watches Kirishima look around his room.

"Uh, you're my best bro. You know you can tell me anything, right?" Kirishima tells Bakugou. It's true, Bakugou normally does go to Kirishima when something is wrong.

"Go fuck yourself," Bakugou growls at Kirishima.

"Maybe later?" Kirishima says with a smirk.

Bakugou's face goes red. "What-" he's cut off by Kirishima.

"How about you help me study?" Kirishima actually needs a little help on some things. Bakugou is the best person he can go to besides Midoriya.

"Why would I help you study?" Bakugou crosses his arms over his chest.

Kirishima grins. "I'll buy you those spicy chips?" He bribes Bakugou just like he always does.

Bakugou of course gives in. Those spicy chips are really good.

"Fine," Bakugou says with a sigh.

"So I need help on a few questions then maybe go over some stuff Aizawa taught us today?"

As Kirishima spoke Bakugou shut his door and took a seat down on the floor next to his table. Kirishima did the same thing.

"Whatever," Bakugou grumbles as he grabs some of the papers that Kirishima had put down.

Bakugou looks over the papers for a moment before he's being poked in the shoulder.

"Hey Blasty?" Kirishima asks.

"What?" Bakugou looks over at Kirishima confused. The red-haired boy is being more annoying than normal.

"You're cute," Kirishima smiles. This is the second time Kirishima has told Bakugou that he's cute.

The first time Kirishima had told Bakugou that he was cute ended badly. So badly that Kirishima had to ice his balls for two days.

Kaminari called Bakugou the ball breaker after that.

Bakugou despises that horrible name. "Shut up!" He shouts.

"What? It's a compliment," Kirishima whines. He really wishes Bakugou could see what he sees.

"No it isn't," Bakugou grumbles as he tries to go back to looking over Kirishima's papers.

"Yes, it is," Kirishima replies just as quickly as Bakugou.

Bakugou gives up. He knows that Kirishima isn't one to back off. "Whatever," he says.

"Come on, cute just means your kind of sweet and-" Kirishima lists off things before being intubated.

"Sweet? Me? I was trying to kill you and Deku yesterday," Bakugou snorts while shaking his head.

He could have sworn that he threatened Midoriya that he'd dance in his grave.

"Very cute, Midoriya thinks the same thing. He's just too shy to say anything," Kirishima spills the beans when he mentions Midoriya.

"Deku thinks that too?" Bakugou asks with widened eyes. No way the nerd would dare to call him that? It's just asking to get your ass beat by Bakugou.

"Yup!" Kirishima says, grinning. He loves throwing Midoriya under the bus.

"Oh," Bakugou mumbles. Both Kirishima and Midoriya think he's cute? Why is his heart beating so loudly right now?

Fuck these gay thoughts!

"Hey Bakugou," Kirishima's words bring Bakugou back down to earth.

The blonde looks over at Kirishima with a raised eyebrow. "What now?" Before he can say anything else Kirishima is tackling him down onto the floor. "Ah!" Bakugou yelps in surprise.

"Gotcha!" Kirishima says with a grin on his face. Of course Kirishima wants to mess around instead of studying. Bakugou should have realized this from the start.

Then of course Kirishima does something else, he begins to dig his hands into Bakugou's sides.

Laughs fall from Bakugou's mouth. He tries to keep quiet but Kirishima is way too good at tickling.

"Get off loser!" Bakugou laughs, a wide smile spreads out on his face.

God, Kirishima really loves how Bakugou is smiling right now.

"Never you'd be ticklish," Kirishima says as he continues to tickle Bakugou.

"Stop!" Bakugou tries to kick him off but his legs are soon being pinned down by Kirishima. "I'm not!" Bakugou says giggling.

"What's this I hear? Giggling?" Kirishima laughs as he hears Bakugou snort as he tries to hold in his laughter.

"Die!" Bakugou shouts with a smile on his face. A giggle soon follows behind his words as soon as Kirishima starts to tickle his stomach.

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