Chapter 3

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The fan meet did not go like I had planned at all. I figured it would be a quick handshake, a smile, a signature then moved onto the next. That is not what happened. Instead, I was seated in a chair backstage, staring at the green tattoo on my left ring finger. Maybe I should back up for a moment. Explain what happened...


One-hour prior...

I smoothed down the black skirt I was wearing then straightened out my jade green shirt as I looked around at the line we were standing in. The fan meet was supposed to start soon and I was trying to calm my nerves. I didn't know why I was so nervous, but there was something about the whole idea of meeting these handsome men that made my normally steady hands shake.

"You good over there my friend?" Aera grinned at me as she patted my arm. "You're not nervous to meet them, are you? You know since you're not interested in their type of music at all."

Pinching her side, I laughed out loud when she squeaked in protest. "You're supposed to be my friend, not bully me. Okay. I admit. You got me hooked on them. They are really talented, incredibly funny,..."

"Super handsome and oh so sexy."

"Yes. Super handsome and oh so sexy is right." I couldn't help but laugh at the way she wiggled her eyebrows and pursed her lips. "I am really excited to meet them."

Aera nodded her head in agreement. "Girl, I definitely understand. Meeting BTS is like seeing tigers in the wild. You know they exist but it's hard to believe you're actually seeing them." Although her comparison was strange, I had to agree it fit the situation perfectly.

A cheer went up from the crowd suddenly and the line slowly began to move forward. We were ushered into a room and seated in rows of chairs. Aera had explained that they would call us up row by row and we would get roughly one minute with each of the guys. One minute to swoon and fawn over them before being moved onto the next one. From start to finish, the whole process would take less than ten minutes, but it would be an experience to remember. From seeing clips of other fan meets, I could see that the guys were all about servicing their fans. A lot of handholding, eye contact, bashful smiles and flirty winks. It was enough to make the butterflies in my stomach start to flutter, knowing I would get my literal seven minutes in heaven today. As much as I hated to admit it, I was now a fan.

The noise in the room became louder as the guys sauntered into the room, bright smiles on their faces. I watched them as they stood in front of the table, waving to the crowd. From the happiness they exuded, I could tell this was something the guys looked forward to. It was clear they appreciated their fans. After a moment, they took a seat behind the table and the excitement in the room reached a new level.

The actual meetings began and I had to admit I was surprised. I had watched the videos, but to see the guys actually interact was something else. Jung Hoseok gave everyone that signature smile, the happiness on his face radiating across the room. Kim Namjoon would act cute but then cover his face shyly, almost embarrassed. Park Jimin gazed at the fan in front of him like she was the only girl in the room, making each one feel special. Kim Seokjin posed for pictures and from the way he grinned, I could see why he was referred to as Worldwide Handsome.

Min Yoongi was an enigma. The persona displayed at the meet was definitely more the cute rapper with the gummy smile rather than the vicious Agust D who could spit fire. Jeon Jungkook held hands, his eyes on their faces, making each one laugh as they interacted. Kim Taehyung flirted, stole pens, and even put on cutesy little headbands given to him. These guys definitely knew how to interact with their fans and it made the whole idea that much more exciting.

Our row was called and we were ushered to the edge of the stage. Aera was standing in front of me and as she approached the front of the line, she turned to me and gave me a reassuring smile. I watched her interactions with Hoseok. He grinned at her and reached out to shake her hand, before signing the book she had in her hand, The Big Book of BTS. He laughed as he signed next to his picture then grinned as she took his photo.

As Aera moved on to Kim Namjoon, I took her place in front of Hoseok. He grinned at me then reached out his left hand. As soon as his hand touched mine, we both gasped in shock as a bright green string appeared, wrapping itself around our ring fingers before disappearing. When the string vanished, I looked down to my hand that was still clasped in Hoseok's, shocked to see the matching green tattoo on his finger. This could only mean one thing. Jung Hoseok, one seventh of the world's most popular musical group, was my soulmate!

When I looked over at Aera, her face was a mixture of shock and sheer delight. "Oh my sweet friend!" She wrapped an arm around me, hugging me, completely forgetting about Kim Namjoon who was seated in front of her, a look of surprise on his face.

I turned my attention back to Hoseok, nervous to see his reaction, but I was reassured by the look of absolute exhilaration on his face. "You're... you're my soulmate!" The words were practically whispered as he stared at me for a moment then looked back down at our hands. "You're my soulmate!"

"Jung Hoseok found his soulmate!" The words spread through the room and I could fee the nervousness in my stomach begin to take over. Damn it! What would the fans think about this? How were they going to react? Before I could say anything, Hoseok squeezed my hand then motioned for a security guard.

"This is Chang Ho-sung. He's going to take you backstage. Please. Please wait for me." Hoseok's voice was full of pleading as he caught my gaze. "Please."

I nodded my head then reluctantly released his hand, afraid to believe that any of this was real. I looked down at my ring finger, but the green tattoo was still there. Ho-sung reached out for my arm and when he took a step forward, the fans parted like the Red Sea. As we passed, there were shouts of encouragement and congratulations, confirming what Aera had said about ARMY wanting their boys to be happy. It made the knot in my stomach unravel just a bit, knowing that the fans weren't going to hate me for essentially taking away one of their idols.

End of Flashback

After making sure that Aera got a taxi home, Ho-sung sat next to me and handed me a bottle of water. "It is going to be okay. Hoseok is nice guy," he said as he tried to reassure me. I gave him a smile at his broken attempts at speaking my language.

"My Korean is not great, but I can understand a little." Although I appreciated the offer, I could tell the language wasn't his strength.

Giving me a grateful smile, Ho-sung nodded. "I'll keep it easy then. You okay?"

Not sure how to answer the question, I shrugged. "I don't know. Did not expect this when I arrived in Korea."

Ho-sung laughed. "Who could have expected it?"

As we sat there waiting for the fan meet to end, I made small talk with Ho-sung. He asked me about my family and what kind of job I did. When I mentioned I was in education, he grinned, telling me his older sister did the same thing, teaching young students at a school in Iksan, a city a little over an hour away.

The time passed by quickly and before I knew it, there was a knock on the door. It opened to admit Jung Hoseok, followed by the other six members of BTS.

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