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        "Siediti, smettila," Beast gruffly commanded in a firm voice to the pair of frenzied Rotties who wouldn't stop whining, and whimpering in a low voice that absolutely broke my heart into a million wrecked pieces. Almost like they could sense my inner turmoil, the pair of large, fiercely dogs instantly waddled over to my side tackling my face with peppering, slobbering kisses as I rested my head on the couch.

(Sit down. Stop that)

         Wolf jumped and sat himself on my lap, his large, furred body collapsing against my small frame, head placed on my shoulder giving me a hug. I couldn't help but smile as Growl came beside me and stood defensively, panting with his tongue out.

"I'm o-okay, relax," I reassured Growl gazing into his deep almond eyes— the saddened expression on his face as he placed his paws on my knee, protectively glancing over Wolf made my heart flutter with happiness. Wolf nudged my neck several times with his nose drawing my attention to the reddish, blotched bruise that had started to form. "It's just a.. a scratch, promise. I'm f-fine. See?"

The pair of Rotties let out low whimpers coaxing me with pure gentleness. Beast chuckled deeply, his wide shoulders rumbling from the action as he watched the overprotective, soft pair of dog huddle over me like I was a prized piece of bone. "Woah, easy there. Careful with her," Beast reprimanded when the pair of Rotties growled lowly as he approached where I sat on the couch.

I attempted to muster a stern glare towards the Rotties, instantly failing and instead placing a kiss on their forehead smiling.

        "Octavius should be arriving soon. I'll be in the kitchen fixing up something if you're hungry or... not. Anything you need, just let me know, Cupcake." Beast told me with a gentle smile, his eyes shining with amusement. "Don't hesitate, okay?"

        Shyly, I nodded mumbling a soft 'okay.'

        Before Beast could even move a few feet away from the living room, the loud harsh of the door jolted me upright, my heart racing at the thought of Octavius home. My assumptions were confirmed when the pair of large, massive dogs jumped from the couch, ecstatically barking as they approached the figure behind.


I rose from my seat, my eyes flickered through each corner of the room awaiting a certain pair of dark amber eyes, instantly surprised when he appeared almost like we were running into each other for the very first time. In that very same bar where he threatened to shoot my brain out if I didn't shut up.

His walk. His stare as poisonous as the air after a nuclear bomb. Octavius was perfectly fitted to shame others in an impeccably crisp dark suit, and I mentally noted the fact that he had removed his suit and tie, unbuttoned the top two buttons of his white shirt and folded back his shirtsleeve to reveal his extremely, masculine tatted forearms lightly dusted with hair and raised veins.

        His eyes were as dark as I remembered, dark-bright fire lit eyes that melted in mine, pupils flecked with gold like beach pebbles. They glowed like ember, a depth in Octavius'  amber eyes that was impossible to find in any other eyes, and the way he looked at me as he approached made me feel like there was something worthwhile in the brown of my eyes, too.

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