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        Pink fuzzy socks peeked out beneath the thick covers, deep brown curls tousled over the pure white of the sheets, light, heavenly snores filled the dark, silent room and I absorbed every bit of those beautiful sounds.

        I tugged the dark tie from my neck, unbuckled the gun from my holster, glancing around the room and paused as I laid eyes on the most enticingly, beautiful woman I had ever seen. My heart skipped a foolish beat—like it had done for the past seven years—at the sight of my wife.

        My fingers were itching, almost pleading to hold her, and bask in her warm embrace, doing nothing but listening to her sleeping for the rest of the night. Like I always did.

        Quietly, I sauntered over to the edge of the bed, admiring the tiny pout that curled on her lips as she inhaled a peaceful sigh.

        I sat by the edge of the bed; My tatted fingers instinctively reached over to her chin, tilting her head to the side and I bent down to place a soft kiss by her temple. "Mhm." Her low hum vibrated from her throat, and she shifted slightly to the side.

Instinctively, my large hands slid down her frame, coxing her soft skin with my tainted hands, and I placed a tattooed hand on her round stomach where our son was growing. Mine.

Slowly, I bent down and placed a light kiss on her bellybutton, absorbing the sweet sound of pleasure that left her lips.

        "Happy birthday, Topolina." My low, raspy voice whispered in the silent room, my dark eyes fixated on the way her sinfully long lashes fluttered against her tan skin, the tiny dip between her brows as she frowned.

        The cascade of her deep brown tendrils of hair spilled over the sheets, illuminating her gorgeous face in the moonlight and I fell in love with her. All over again. Like it was an unconscious action.

Unable to help myself from touching her, I grabbed firm hold of her clear, small fingers and tightly laced them with mine. "How was your day, tesoro?" I asked, and she made a little sound of displeasure shifting to the side. "Mhm, seems like our boy has been quite a monster today."

Out of nowhere, Wolf let out a loud bark suddenly jumping to his feet and started wadding towards the doorway. Instinctively I grabbed hold of the gun on the table and hid it behind my back, slowly moving towards the door before I slammed it open with force.

        Big amber eyes pooled with tears, her pink lips quivering with fear and I absorbed the wholesome sight of my daughter.

"Scared." Her quiet, gentle voice whispered then she let out a low cry before it proceeded to increase gradually. Crap. Crap. She could start crying within a split second just by a unexpected sound, those dark amber eyes—my eyes—would fill with heart-wrecking tears that absolutely crushed my heart.

        And I promised to protect her, I would do absolutely everything to protect my little girl.

"Sh. Come here, Bambolina." I spoke, my voice warm, and soft filled with tenderness as I became cautious of my fragile daughter. My daughter was the softest, tiniest two-year-old I had ever seen, and had completely managed to steal my heart the first time I held her.

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