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a/n: reread my tags in the introduction and leave your inner feminist at the door before you walk in <3


The sound of Octavius' low, throaty laughter broke the silence in the room, his dark eyes crinkling into slits and his lips broke into a wide, dimpled smile.

        He pressed his beautiful face into the crook of my neck trying to hide his amusement yet it failed.

His tattooed arms hugged me closer to his taut body, and those beautiful amber eyes stared at me with a softness that I rarely saw— a total and complete vulnerability in a powerful man who was normally so guarded and analytical in every aspect of his life.

Everyone in the room paused, shocked by Darcy's news and the sound of Octavius' rumbling, gruff laughter, not used to his vulnerability.

        "Merda." His deep voice chuckled, his chest shook slightly against my body. "And here I thought my family was a mess, hm?"


        My face flushed as all eyes turned on us, and Octavius kept his smiling face hidden into my neck unable to stop the deep fits of laughter that left his throat.

        Riley, and the rest of my brothers raised an inquiring brow, a look of shock settling on their faces as they watched Octavius plant a gentle kiss on the curve of my shoulder.

        The intimate, sweet gesture conveying much more emotion than words could ever say.

        "He's not.. always like this," I told them trying to defend Octavius' ability to find humor. He laughed. Actually laughed.

        If him passing the salt earlier wasn't embarrassing enough, everyone staring at us with wide eyes made me feel naked. I inhaled a deep breath, shushing Octavius and admonished him in a quiet voice.

Darcy coughed out awkwardly as an attempt to bring the attention back to him.

        "Not funny man. So... yeah. I'm getting fucking married. I'm twenty-five for fucks sake. Finley isn't a child anymore, if she also wants to get married, then she can. She's twenty-one for fucks sake, stop treating her like she's five. I did."

Woah. He's being nice.

"Champ, is this how you feel? Do you also think we're treating you like you're five?" Bellamy asked me for the first time ever in my life. His dark, calculating eyes focused on me, prodding for answers.

        I could only register the feeling of Octavius' large hands coaxing the bare skin of my shoulder blades, a silent reassurance through my inner turmoil.

        Timidly, I replied with a firm nod. "I'm not a child anymore and I'm not... broken," My voice came out soft, barely a whisper in the eerily silent room.

        Bellamy's eyes—eyes of melted honey—softened at my words, and he blinked back the sudden, wet tears forming in his eyes. "I'm not. Cas.. he's gone and he can't hurt me anymore even if he's alive somewhere. H-he.. he can't."

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