Chapter 7

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Rose hurried through the corridors, by now she was partially soaked thanks to the untimely rain, she held the railing going around the staircase and waited for her breathing to be normal again. She took out the map from her knapsack and checked out for her classes, she glanced at her watch, it was only five minutes to eight, she realized she wasted all her time hoping for the rain to stop as she didn't have an umbrella but finally had to give up on the wait and rush to college fighting the rain.

One more floor to go, Rose prepared herself for the sprint to her class. The college was enormous, it was a good thing she studied the college map thoroughly through her insomnia to prepare herself for this and mostly to avoid asking awkward questions to random strangers hoping to get help finding her class. She was now on her own, she prepared herself for the same.

Taking two steps at a time Rose finally reached the floor, if her heart was beating any slow it started pounding now as she saw the entire floor empty, everyone seemed to be in their classes, she was going to be late on her first day, she ran towards her class and after taking two steps in the direction she had the most ungraceful fall of the history, for a moment or two she didn't realize what had happened, one second she was on her feet and next on her face.

She hurried herself up, it was a good thing no one was around because then she would have had to be the amusement clown of the day. She held herself up on her hand and realized that the floor is wet and covered with footprints in mud, her eyes immediately flew to her dress, her white dress wasn't white any more, even her hands and face seemed to be covered by mud, she glanced around only to find her knapsack lying a few feet away from her.

Why it always had to be her, it was as if the universe is playing some cruel joke on her.

Suddenly she heard loud thumping from behind her, as she turned she saw heavy brown shoes running past her, she didn't glance up to see who it was, it was embarrassing enough for her. She stirred trying to move up and the hand supporting her further slipped because of the water and she fell right on her shoulder with a loud thump, everything seemed to happen within a fraction of a second.

The guy in front of her abruptly stopped and muttered a loud curse, he stood there for a second as if debating whether to keep going or turn around.

Rose struggled to get up, her hands were now muddy and her clothes soiled, she was halfway through when she saw a hand extended towards her, the guy was trying to help her up. She shook her head, she knew her hand was covered by dirt and she knew better than to soil a helping hand.

The guy let out a frustrated groan, next thing she knew two big hands held her by the shoulder and was picking her up and helping her to feet. When she made her to her feet with what felt like miserable embarrassment she realized she was standing only inches away from him, she sucked in a deep breath, her eyes now faced his chest as he held her and all she could see was that he was wearing a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket, she dare not look up.

As the guy dropped his hands from her shoulder Rose took a deliberate step behind just to make some distance between them but as luck would have it, her feet slipped through the puddle again and she knew her end is near.

Midway in the air she realized she laid suspended, she thought maybe she was on her way to heaven, she could hear the drumming of her heart in her ears. She slowly opened her eyes, this time she wasn't greeted by black, she was greeted by blue, his blue coloured eyes which reminded her of someone else.

" Just how clumsy are you???" his voice was rough and he seemed annoyed.

Rose flinched at the roughness, she felt completely vulnerable and at his misery, his eyes didn't leave hers but now she had difficulty seeing his piercing blue gaze as her eyes became cloudy, he left her only after making sure she was properly on her feet.

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