Chapter 9 - 2

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Jack opened his eyes only to see moving bright lights while he stayed laid, everything seemed like a dream, the pain was the only thing that made him feel alive but then slowly it was fading he drifted back to blackness....

A constant buzzing sound broke his sleep, he tried to comprehend what the sound is or where it is coming from but his brain refused to comply, he chose to ignore it. He rolled from his side to see a canopy of stars stretched over the night sky, he lost the track of time, for how long he remained there starring at them, the buzzing sound had long died.

He tried to take into account his surrounding, his eyes took time to adjust to the darkness but as it did he realized he was lying on the grass next to a mausoleum, in a cemetery, a few empty bottles of Chivas lying next to him. He felt the ache in his heart returning, his life seemed as hollow and empty as the bottles, a wry laugh escaped his lips.

The buzzing sound returned, he finally realized it was coming from his phone which was lying a few feet from him. He got up to reach his phone, his head swimming from the sudden movement, as he reached the phone he saw the name and picture flashing on his screen and he froze for a second, debating whether or not to answer the call and very hesitantly he answered it,


"Jack, I have been calling you for hours son, where are you, I was so worried," her voice was thick with panic.


"You need to help her Jack, she's hurt, they called, she....." her words broke into sobs.

Jack could feel his heartbeat rising, his throat turned dry,


"Rosa....Rosalie, save her Jack, save Rosalie,"

Jack couldn't not hear anything after that, his mind went still like water, the image of a young pale fragile girl crossed his mind, those words, ' save Rosalie' echoed in his ears, as if his mom is repeatedly saying it and it triggered a deep memory of him pulling a panic struck girl from a swamp.

A sudden bright light blinded him and jerked him back to reality, within seconds the light was gone, he realized the light was coming from the cars moving at regular intervals by the cemetery.

What did he just see? Was that a memory? Was he hallucinating?? What just happened?

The phone was dead and Jack sat still there unable to differentiate between the real world and his imagination, maybe he had too much to drink, maybe his mind was playing tricks on him.

His mom wanted him to rescue someone, someone was in crisis just as he is now, he needs to rescue that girl, maybe then someone can rescue him too.

Rosalie, he couldn't remember or understand who that person is, he stretched back on the grass, trying to remember but he couldn't, he tried hard but only random images filled his mind, chocolate eyes, girl in white dress, swamp, golden hair, lips...rose coloured lips, Rose, he remembered, finally, the girl he dropped in town a week ago, the fragile girl, she needed rescuing, he was going to rescue her.

He rose from the ground and with faltering steps, he made it to his car, his mind, body both were out of his control. Somehow making it to the car, he took out his Marlboro from the dashboard and lit a cigarette and with the first puff he could sense clarity. He figured out the cemetery was somewhere on the outskirts of Seattle if he rode continuously he could make it to the University before the crack of dawn. After finishing the smoke he crushed the cigarette butt under his shoe, put the keys in the ignition and started the car at the maximum attainable speed.

The only sound heard was that of the engine, the roads were almost empty and his mind drifted to the events of the day giving way for the return of the familiar ache in his heart.

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