Outshine 1/2

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A/N: this one was written for atla-verse summer festival day 4 (i think?). it has a second part that's just a straight up smut but this one doesn't have anything explicit in it. a warning for a use of alcohol and there could be some bad language but i cant really remember, anyways enjoy!

Lin was reading a boring file and allowing herself to zone out to think about Kya. The small smiles that the waterbender would send to her when she was talking to someone across the room, her gentle hands that knew just the places to touch to get a wanted reaction, her soft lips that would fit perfectly with hers, and the long silver hair that even though got in a way a lot would frame her face just perfectly whenever she had it down.

Lin was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the knock on her office door. „Come in!" she commanded.

„Hi, Chief" Mako greeted her as he walked through the door. „There's a small get-together with a few other captains and guys send me to invite you so... Would you like to go with us? It's going to be at the bar nearby, it's called Crystal..." he paused trying to remember the name. „Crystal something, I can't remember now. We're meeting there tomorrow around eight"

„They always invite me to those but I'm never going so I won't change the tradition" Lin chuckled.

„Ok, I understand. Can I ask you a question though?"

„Sure" Beifong shrugged.

„Some of the guys are taking their wives or girlfriends with them and I was wondering... If you went, would you go with Kya?" Mako asked.

„If I would take Kya? Yes. If you should take Wu? Only if you're sure he'll be capable of not making himself a center of attention for one evening" Lin answered, knowing the real question Mako was trying to ask.

Mako sighed and thought for a second but before he could say anything Beifong was speaking again.

„I'll go with Kya and you take Wu. This way he probably won't get on their nerves too much" Lin stated.

„You think Kya would make him keep it low?" Mako raised an eyebrow.

„She'll outshine him" Lin chuckled.


The next day's evening

„Kya can you hurry up? We're supposed to be there in ten minutes!" Lin yelled from where she sat at their shared bed. She was ready ten minutes ago and Kya was taking forever to get ready.

„I think I'm ready. How do I look?" Kya walked out of the bathroom wearing a baby blue silky dress that reached just below her knees and was holding onto her by thin straps on her shoulders. Her hair was down and part of it was pushed forward and resting on her chest.

Lin felt like her ability to speak was taken away by the looks of her girlfriend. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out, leaving her agape.

„I guess that means I look good" Kya chuckled as she walked up to the earthbender. She closed her girlfriend's mouth before kissing her gently and then making sure none of her dark red lipstick transferred onto her mouth. „You look pretty too" she grinned as she checked Lin out.

The earthbender was wearing sage green slacks and a black button-up cardigan with a white t-shirt underneath.

„You look amazing" Lin finally managed.

Kya grinned and took her lover's hand. „Let's go, we're going to be late," she said as she dragged Lin towards the front door.


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