Outshine 2/2

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A/N: smut warning here!!! it's also pretty long for a smut so im just giving you heads up

If you act like a good girl, I'll fuck you with a strap once we're home. Do we have a deal? Kya's words from earlier rang in Lin's head as she kissed the waterbender back. Her hand wandered through Kya's hair as she steadied herself on her elbows, leading the bruising kiss.

Lin's free hand was slowly traveling down Kya's back, exploring her curvy figure until she reached her butt and grabbed it, causing Kya to moan softly and break the kiss to take a breath.

They looked each other in the eyes, both of their gazes filled with love, lust, and passion. Kya pouted once she realized that Lin was still fully clothed. „Take that off” she commended, pushing the earthbender's t-shirt slightly up to earn access to her toned abdomen that she started covering in kisses.

Lin quickly obeyed and her shirt was gone in seconds, leaving her only in a bralette in a color similar to her skin tone.

Kya started nibbling at her abs, leaving some marks behind and listening to Lin's soft hums of pleasure. Oh, she loved doing it in places where only them would know that the marks were there.

After a while, Lin reached for Kya, and taking her by the chin, she brought her up to kiss her lips.

„Someone's impatient” Kya grinned against Lin's lips.

„Get to the point” Lin hurried.

„Who said you're calling the shots?” Kya asked.

„I- Kya! You said-” the metalbender was cut off by Kya's lips sealing hers.

„I'll keep my promise but you were supposed to be good and well... Ordering me around isn't a behavior I will tolerate” the older woman spoke as she got higher on her knees and slipped the dress off of herself. Leaving herself only in red undergarments and revealing her breasts.

„I'm sorry, I-” Lin stuttered.

„Oh, you're going to be sorry” Kya smirked as she settled back on top of Lin.

The metalbender didn't even try to reply, knowing it would only get her into more trouble and she was already fucked up.

Kya leaned down, her face being right over Lin's. „I don't feel like being cruel to you tonight but... I can't let you just get away either. You'll need to earn yourself my forgiveness” she captured Lin's lips in a kiss but pulled away quite quickly, pulling on the younger woman's lower lip with her teeth.

Kya took off her panties and sat down on top of Lin once again, making the metalbender feel her already slightly wet center on top of her abdomen.

„Any ideas?” Lin raised an eyebrow and placed her hands on Kya's hips.

„I have one” the waterbender smirked down at Lin as she started rolling her hips.

Lin quickly got an idea of what Kya was implying and smiled at the thought. „Wouldn't you prefer my thigh?” she asked.

Kya shook her head no and steadied herself by placing one hand each at both sides of Lin's head. Would it be easier using Lin's thigh? Probably but the idea of getting herself to orgasm on Lin's toned abs was too appealing to Kya so she fastened her movement, letting Lin guide her but not allowing her to take control fully.

Kya nearly screamed when she shifted slightly and hit a particularly sensitive spot. Her head slumped slightly forward and Lin was tempted to tell her to look up but decided against it, this time Kya was in control, and listening to her moans had to be enough for the metalbender.

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