Will You Go Gliding With Me?

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Hiii! I decided to make this work not only kyalin oneshots but generally tlok ones so here comes the first fic focusing on another ship; it's young linzin, they're in their mid-twenties when their relationship was already kind of serious, and Lin isn't a chief yet.

Originally written for the atlaverse summer festival and posted a while ago on ao3

prompt: trust

„Lin?” Tenzin caused his girlfriend to look up from the paperwork she brought home. „Would you like to go gliding with me?” he asked.

„You've gotta be kidding me” Lin scoffed and went back to her paperwork.

„Please... The views are at least amazing and I'd like to show y-”

„Leave me alone, I need to focus” Lin cut him off without looking up.

Tenzin sighed in defeat and turned to leave the room. „Just don't stay up for too long” he added before heading to bed.

Lin just rolled her eyes and focused on the paperwork that she should have done yesterday. She didn't have time for Tenzin's silly ideas.


An hour or two later, Lin shuffled quietly into the bedroom. She climbed into the bed and scooted close to Tenzin, he'd usually embrace her and bring her as close as it was possible the second he felt her next to him but this time he didn't.

Lin frowned and turned to face Tenzin who turned away from her quickly. He wasn't asleep and he was doing it on purpose but Lin couldn't wrap her mind around why would he? Instead of asking what was going on, she just sighed and decided to make herself a big spoon. She draped her arm over the airbender and buried her face in the crook of his neck after kissing the back of it.

Instead of relaxing to his girlfriend's touch, Tenzin shrugged Lin's arm off and moved slightly away from her.

Fine, Lin thought and turned away, stealing the comforter off of Tenzin. She had no idea what he was so mad about and she wasn't going to be the one to speak up, her stupid stubbornness wouldn't let her. She cocooned herself in the comforter to make sure it wouldn't be too easy for Tenzin to take it back.

Tenzin clearly wasn't having any of it. He used the fact that he was stronger than Lin and rolled her out of the comforter with one strong move, causing her to almost fell off the bed.

Almost because he caught her the last second before she fell. His strong hand squeezed her thigh not allowing her to fall off. Lin looked down and couldn't help but notice how small her thigh was compared to Tenzin's hand. No matter the number of workouts and muscle she gained, she was still so damn small compared to him.

Tenzin rolled her away from the edge, making her face him. This time he didn't turn around.

„Thanks” Lin smirked. Her smirk widened into a smile when she felt Tenzin's hand reach her waist and bring her closer.

„So... Will you go gliding with me?” Tenzin asked.

„I- Tenzin...” Lin sighed, a smile disappearing from her face.

„Please? We could treat it like a date, go eat something afterward... Whatever you feel like” Tenzin pleaded. „Besides, we haven't had time for each other lately and it would be nice”

„You know I hate flying. Being on Oggie's back is bearable but this? No way”

„It's not like I'm going to drop you” Tenzin reasoned.

„I don't know... But we can go out though. I just don't like the idea of flying”

„You're just scared” Tenzin pointed out.

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