Miss Independent (kyalin)

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back at it with kyalin! i have a lot of fics for other ships in the store but i think ill be posting them here just to not have a hiatus here bc omg getting back sucks lmao

anyways, kyalin in modern au, prompt "i wont buy ikea furniture again", requested on my tumblr

Lin placed the last piece of the furniture packed into the cardboard on the floor of her and Kya's freshly bought apartment. They had already ordered most of the needed furniture and they were going to have it there soon but trips to shops like Ikea became their everyday thing. This time they came back with a regal with glass that Kya wanted to use to display a few things from her travels and of course, any extra storage was useful.

„So are we putting this together right away?" Kya asked, locking up the door after her girlfriend.

„Can we eat first? I'm starving" Lin raised an eyebrow as she was knocking off her shoes.

„But you weren't hungry twenty minutes ago when I wanted to eat at the Ikea" Kya crossed her arms.

„Food there is not that good plus it's overpriced and you wouldn't take that argument" Lin rolled her eyes as she straightened her shoes.

„Sometimes I hate that you know me so well" Kya scoffed.

They made their way into the main room of their apartment. The kitchen was fully equipped with two stools standing at the island that was separating the kitchen from the living room but said living room was still empty except two pretty much used out bean bag chairs they dragged there from Lin's childhood room and a short stool that had a laptop on it - leftovers from their last night's movie night.

„Are we ordering or making something?" Lin asked, leaning over the kitchen island.

Kya walked up to the fridge and opened it, maybe it wasn't empty but there was nothing they could cook out of this. „Ordering" she closed the fridge. „And we need to go grocery shopping"

„Noted" Lin reached to her back pocket for her phone. „What do you want?"


„Kya..." Lin sighed.

„I'm kidding" Kya chuckled. „Burger King?" she crooked an eyebrow.

„Burger King it is" Lin tapped her phone a few times and then looked up at her girlfriend.

„The vegetarian whooper with fries and diet coke" Kya answered before Lin asked the question out loud.

„You mean the plant-based?"

„Potayto potahto" Kya rolled her eyes.

After another few taps on the screen, Lin hid the phone in her pocket.

„I could use a nap, I'm exhausted" Kya walked over to Lin and rested her forehead on the younger woman's shoulder.

„The food won't be here for another thirty minutes so we can go lay down" Lin wrapped an arm around Kya and brought her closer before kissing the top of her head.

„Yeah, let's go" Kya stepped away and took Lin's hand before leading her to their future bedroom.

The room was mostly empty except for a mattress laying on the floor and a few cardboard boxes up against the wall.

„This still looks so ridiculous" Lin chuckled as she let herself fall onto the mattress.

„The frame should be here next week, it's not a lot" Kya crawled over to Lin and rested her head on the younger woman's chest.

„Yeah, it isn't" Lin wrapped her arms around Kya, bringing her as close as possible.

They fell in comfortable silence for a second before Lin stirred and took out her phone again.

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