The Demon Hector and the Dread Titania/SCP-6666

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Alex and Rex looked at the place they are in...and at the large upside down tree beyond the horizon.

The tree

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The tree...this is the most titanic sized tree that has ever been recorded. It is about 9.2 km, or 30,183 ft, which is impossibly large. This tree is so, so large, that...if it was standing up high, it would have the strength to leave an entire city just by toppling down to the ground, and it would even be capable of creating earthquakes without even trying to make them. The whole open is so large, that it is almost as large as the Amazon Rainforest. It was so wide and deep, that you can fit an entire mountain inside of the area that they are inside of right now. Than...Lancelot spoke out.


They turns to Lancelot, who than spoke out.


Alex and Rex's eyes Seth stood up from the ground...and he can feel the crown begin to shine brighter than ever before. Titania is said to always be the sleeper in the stars, and they are very precious to her. When Adam El Asem took it into the crown that Seth now wears on his head, Titania considers it the most terrible blasphemy, and made the Children of the Night to kill Adam El Asem. So...the fact that the crown is shining much more brighter then makes it look as though that it want so return to Titania again. Seth looks up at the crown...and kind of frowns a little bit, as he looks down, remembering what his father has done, what Seth has done. Seth even thought about it, as he laments what this action of his head lead to what's happened now.

'Gods...what have I done? I made a group of innocent creatures suffer because of how I had requested the star from my father. I never took consideration of the consequences of what would happen if I had done all of this. I hope...that there will be some redemption inside of me still.'

He than feels a hand on his shoulder, and he turns around to see Nightcrawler, and he is protected by the crown's power. Nightcrawler could tell that Seth is feeling stressed about what must be something that is related to Seth, and Seth looks...regretful. Seth looks down, as he laments on how it had came to this point, how they are not at the person that has always cherished the stars. and now...sooner or later...they'll face the wrath of Titania, also known as Iýa, the sleeper in the Stars, as said by the Faeries.

Cain looks around the entire place that they are inside of right now, and needless to say, he feels very uneasy, despite the fact that he is not showing it on his face.

Cain looks around the entire place that they are inside of right now, and needless to say, he feels very uneasy, despite the fact that he is not showing it on his face

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