[1] The Gift

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Error sighed. Did nobody remember his birthday? He thought about it until Nightmare showed up to his anti-void, and Error forced himself up off the chair. "hEy NiGhTmArE. wHaTs In ThAt BoX tHiNg?" Error questioned with a curious gaze.

"Well, you've always wanted a cat right?" Nightmare replied. Error nodded, still confused. Nightmare then let the cat out, surprising Error. "yOu ReAlLy PuT yOuR fEaR aSiDe JuSt To GeT mE a CaT...?" Error had a smile, looking towards his boss.

"Of course Error, you've always wanted one, and it is your birthday after all. By the way, I got Sci to make the cat able to live longer for ya."

Error was happy. Very happy. "tHaNk YoU sO mUcH nIgHtMaRe..." ... "Your welcome, now I'm going to go back. That cat terrifies me."

Later that day...

Error had just went to a Pet Store to get stuff for Coco. Mreow. It seemed like Coco was hungry. He put down a cat bowl, and filled it with cat food.

After the cat finished eating, he started playing with her. He was happy, very happy.


"There seems to be a lot of positivity coming from the antivoid." Dream thought, and decided to check it out. Dream was shocked with what he saw. Error was sleeping, whilst there was a sleeping cat purring on his lap.

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