[4] The Fight

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Go be a monster already.

Destroying is all your good at!

The voices had been going on and on. When would Error ever get a break? He sighed, and decided to play with Coco before he went to destroy the AU copies.

~tem skip broght to chu by tems~

He sighed. Did Ink REALLY have to make a new Underfresh AU? Was this just to remind him of his brother? No matter, he had to do his job. Though, he didn't expect to come back to the Antivoid badly injured.

Coco came up to him on his arrival, and Error picked her up. She was happy to see Error by the looks of it. "hEh. YoU rEaLlY kNoW hOw To MaKe Me FeEl GoOd, DoNt YoU cOcO?" He chuckled. Mreow! That was her way of saying yes.

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