[2] Death Visits

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Dream was in total shock. Error and a cat, what?! He couldn't believe the destroyer had a soft spot for cats! He honestly found it quite cute, after all it was obvious Error wouldn't destroy AUs with cute things. Dream soon decided it'd be best if he left.

Purrrr. The cat's purrs were pretty loud. It didn't last long because soon enough, Error felt a prick of pain, and woke up. He sighed, Ink was creating more copies that he was tasked to destroy.

"iLl Be BaCk CoCo. StAy HeRe." Error said. He groaned, not wanting to leave his cat alone, but went to the new copies anyway. He had a fight with Ink, but destroyed the copies.

Error came back to the Antivoid only to see Death. No, not actual Death. That cloaked guy who liked to flirt with him. That Death.

"Aww what a cute cat." Death tried to avoid touching the cat. To his surprise, the cat was able to rub up against without dying, so he pet the cat. The cat did not die thankfully. "Guess Science did something to ya, huh?"

Error crossed his arms. "wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg HeRe DeAtH." Death looked over to Error. "Oh hey Glitchy. You didn't tell me you got an immortal cat."

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